Nensu held her arm, feeling the pain eat at her skin, as if it was covered in acid. She was lucky to still be on her feet, though still trembled from her injury. However, before she could do anything, Midoriya came between both her and the assailant. She didn’t want him to stand in the way, but she could understand that he was listening to his instincts...and they were telling him to protect his friends. Nensu watched as he tried to use his strength to fight back, but found themselves facing with the same giant villain that caused harm to Aizawa. She may be kind, but something like this wasn’t meant to be flashing before her eyes. As a result, she charged her left side, and was about to trying taking a strike to the giant villain. But the effect itself did nothing major to him. How was that possible? Nothing could have survived the inferno fires of the Endeavor.