[@DeadDrop][@Sierra][@beyond visions][@nytefall][@Foxfire] Basic outline of sci-fi magic and super soldiers. Feedback is quite welcome. I should have enough [s]garbage[/s] information compiled by this weekend to set up an occ, but for now you're welcome to start thinking about characters, if you're so inclined. Also, keep in mind I can't think of everything, so if something is missing that you would like to see, mention it and I can put it on there. Additionally, if there's something you don't quite understand, or you're curious to hear the explanation of how it works, please do ask. On release I'm planning on having a terms glossary, because I like to use fancy words and pseudo-science. P.S: Extra Aesthetic just for DeadDrop :] ╔ ╗ [color=6ccff6][u][b]The "Auger"[/b][/u][/color] ╚ ╝ └[color=lightslategray][i]"If only we had these "Augers" sooner, we may have stood a chance." -Daniel Speilman, Executive Director of Defence, Emergency Crisis Coalition [/i][/color] [color=gainsboro]» [color=palegreen][u]Analysis of Augmentation[/u][/color] [sup] [url=https://i.imgur.com/ZhaXEIX.jpg?1][Optic Augmentation Enhancement] [/url] [url=https://i.imgur.com/Zc1GIrs.png][Prototype "Super" Arm] [/url] [url=https://i.imgur.com/Yj531tB.png][Early Concept of the "Shivan Dual Arm"][/url][/sup] [indent]└The field of augmentation has boundless possibilities. We can replace limbs, enhance muscle strength, and integrate weapons. During the early days, we had hundreds of concepts on the board, and it was an incredibly difficult process to narrow down our selection. In the end, we focused more on enhancement, replacement, and reinforcement. With the introduction of nanites, we were able to create better, more complex machinery by using the tiny robots to perform the more delicate, and microscopic work. The draw back is that we did not have time to implement a renewable power source, so we've had to implement an energy storage system—This means that our soldiers must be recharged, or at least their augmentations do. Those who are heavily modified may find it quite difficult to move without power, so all augmentations have the standard integration of charging ports. Since the nanites require specific programming, and not all of them get along well, there are a few things to note: ◙ An Auger must follow these specific archetypes, and may choose to benefit from only one enhancement from each category: [sup]└[color=lightslategray]The more augmentations, the greater the strain on the body and energy cells.[/color] [/sup] [indent]» [color=lightskyblue]Physical, Major[/color] [indent]└ Strength — Speed — Endurance — Precision [/indent]» [color=lightskyblue]Physical, Intermediate[/color] [indent]└ Shock Absorption — Reflex Response — Healing Factor [/indent]» [color=lightskyblue] Physical, Minor[/color] [indent]└ Antigen Resistance — Contamination Resistance — Temperature Tolerance — Muscle Acceleration [/indent] ◙ The following are optional enhancements, categorized by their impact on the body and the energy cells: [indent]» [color=Salmon]High Impact[/color] [/indent]└ Enhanced Night Vision — Low-Penetration Thermal Imaging — Magnetic Grip — Magnetic Tread [indent]» [color=LemonChiffon]Medium Impact[/color] [/indent]└ Enhanced Vision — Enhanced Hearing [indent]» [color=palegreen]Low Impact[/color] [/indent]└ Enhanced Touch — Enhanced Smell — Enhanced Taste [/indent] [/indent][/color] ╔ ╗ [color=6ccff6][u][b]Neuromancer[/b][/u][/color] ╚ ╝ └[color=lightslategray][i]"Well, I'd say we've just created magic, Yes?" -Liung Xi Wei, Neuro-Engineer[/i][/color] [color=gainsboro]» [color=palegreen][u]Analysis of Neuromancy[/u][/color] [sup] [url=https://i.imgur.com/s69uMlO.jpg][Subdermal Tower Image] [/url] [url=https://i.imgur.com/sN1jWTz.png?1][Aesthetic L.E.D Spinal Implants] [/url] [url=https://i.imgur.com/l0apYqg.jpg?1][Subdermal Implant Cluster Being Charged][/url][/sup] [indent]└There are two processes through which we achieve Neuromancy. The first is through injecting nanites. The second is through Neuro-Kinetic Implants; Tiny, Subdermal implants, placed strategically throughout the body, which allow us to interface with the nanites. These implants, or Subdermal Towers, serve as a sort of rendezvous point for the nanites as they travel throughout the body. The nanites that need recharging may do so at these locations, unfortunately the nanites cannot utilize the body's natural electrical currents. In addition, we can synchronize any programming updates to the nanites by uploading them to the towers with a hard connection—We never implemented remote access for obvious concerns.There are, of course, varying locations to implant these towers, but there are a set of rules and observations to be aware of: [/indent] [indent]◙ These must be a minimum of seven, maximum of twenty, subdermal towers, of which these rules must be followed: [indent]» [color=lightskyblue]No less than one, No more than three[/color] [indent]└Below the [u]Crown[/u], above the [u]Shoulders[/u] [/indent]» [color=lightskyblue]No less than two, No more than five[/color] [indent]└Below the [u]Shoulders[/u], above the [u]Hips[/u] [/indent]» [color=lightskyblue]No less than one, No more than three[/color] [indent]└Below the [u]Hips[/u], above the [u]Knee[/u] [/indent][indent][indent]└This rule is applied twice, once for each leg[/indent] [/indent]» [color=lightskyblue]No less than one, No more than three[/color] [indent]└Below the [u]Knee[/u], above the [u]Heel[/u] [/indent][indent][indent]└This rule is applied twice, once for each leg[/indent] [/indent][/indent][/indent] [indent]◙ There are some observations made during initial testing: [indent]» [color=palegreen]A Neuromancer may interface with specific elements, materials, or even abstract concepts[/color] [indent][color=palegreen]• Obv. One[/color]: A Neuromancer who manifests their phenomena has; Weaker control over direction, typically only able to project outwards, or draw inwards; Weaker control over shaping, typically limited to basic shapes or patterns; But has greater skill with mass, velocity, and intensity. A Neuromancer who manipulates elements or materials has weaker control over velocity, intensity, and mass, but has greater skill in direction and creating complex shapes. [color=palegreen]• Obv. Two[/color]: A Neuromancer who appears to "manifest" their phenomena from thin air uses the same amount of energy as a Neuromancer who appears to "manipulate" elements or materials. [color=palegreen]• Obv. Three[/color]: A Neuromancer cannot manifest their phenomena where they cannot see, nor can a Neuromancer manipulate what they cannot see. [color=palegreen]• Obv. Four[/color]: Two Neuromancers attempting to manipulate the same substance will be evenly matched, but will lose energy rapidly. [color=palegreen]• Obv. Five[/color]: Complex phenomena utilize more power than simple, or more basic phenomena. [color=palegreen]• Obv. Six[/color]: A Neuromancer cannot be Augmented [/indent] ◙There are also several limitations we've observed, of which come in stages: [indent]» [color=salmon]A Neuromancer will experience a variety of debilitating and potentially severe side effects from consistent overuse[/color] [indent][color=salmon]• Stage One[/color]: Subjects reported difficulty moving their limbs, as if lacking strength or energy, and a broad, low burning sensation akin to peak muscle training. We've attributed these descriptions as being a combination of muscle fatigue, and strenuous muscle activity [color=salmon]• Stage Two[/color]: Continuing to utilize their phenomena, subjects reported feeling acute nerve pain within their areas most associated with their phenomena. This pain is described as an intense tingling, burning sensation. [color=salmon]• Stage Three[/color]: This stage appears to contain a wide variety of symptoms that are specifically associated with the subject's phenomena. We are unable to list all the variables, so instead, here are some examples: [indent]└[color=lightsalmon]Subject 26-A, Telekinetic[/color]: Subject reports extreme migraines, dizziness, and nausea. └[color=lightsalmon]Subject 17-B, Vitakinetic[/color]: Tests show degradation of cells and tissues throughout the body. Subject experienced organ failure (Lungs, Liver, Eyes) and massive tissue death. Subject accelerated into stage four. └[color=lightsalmon]Subject 41-F, Sergekinetic[/color]: Subject reported a hot, burning sensation traveling through his body. Upon examination it appears that the subject's red blood cells had begun dissolving tissue, as if they had become acidic. We were unable to prevent the subject from entering stage four. [/indent][color=salmon]• Stage Four[/color]: Death [/indent][/indent] [/indent][/indent][/color]