Penelope raised an eyebrow at him as smirked at her. “Alright.” She said with a small shrug. She followed him to the door, stepping out first as he held the door open for her and mumbling a small thanks as she passed him. She walked quietly besides him, watching their surroundings much more closely than she had been the day before. Part of her still worried that the mercenary might not have been dead or that he wasn’t the only one hired. She wasn’t letting her guard down easily today and was even still feeling a bit foolish for having noticed the mercenary so late despite the likelihood that he had been following them for quite a while. The knight remained silent as she swept her gaze over the nearby buildings and alleys. There didn’t seem to be any sign of someone following them so she relaxed slightly and focused her gaze back ahead. She barely even noticed how quiet Crow was due to her own surveying of the area so when he finally spoke again, she snapped out of her thoughts. Penelope looked over at him as he instructed her to stay put. “Alright..” She agreed with a hint of hesitance. His phrasing made her question what exactly he had planned, causing for a small bit of worry of how risky it might be. After yesterday, the knight was hoping they could get by without anymore close calls. But she had to trust him. It was what he was known for after all and after reminding herself that, she able to let her worry die down a bit. “I’ll stay here then.” She said with a bit more firmness as she stopped to wait for him.