"Hey there little guy, come on over here!" Edgar Clarke said, standing under a decent sized tree not far from the settlement gates. In one hand, he held a small cracker, which he lightly waved up into the branches. After a few moments, a some kind of tiny rodent poked it's head down, before nervously crawling down the tree trunk to the ground. "That's right, I'm not gonna hurt you..." He said as the tiny creature took a tentative sniff of the cracker, before finally beginning to nibble at it. Smiling, Ed let go of the cracker, leaving it in the rodents paws before sitting against the tree trunk next to it. He sighed as he looked towards the settlements center. While he [i]could[/i] distract himself with small animals and dinosaurs for the time being, it could get pretty damn lonely when you had pretty much no [i]human[/i] friends. However, whenever he'd tried to socialise, something he rarely tried these days, it had always ended pretty terribly, with him trying to say something only to freeze up in panic, and the people he was trying to speak to thinking his panicked silence was [i]angry[/i] silence and getting as far away as they could. These days he was given quite a wide birth, with some people even [i]flinching[/i] when they heard his voice. Hell, he'd even heard that some of the younger kids had made up a little song about him, like those nursery rhyme things his grandparents had told him about back when he was a kid. He didn't know the words, but from what he'd heard, it involved him feeding kids e finds to dinosaurs. However, he was broken out of his thoughts by a number of voices, and he looked to the town center to see a number of the kids who were closer to his age going about their morning routines. For a moment, just a single, fleeting moment, he considered trying to talk to them. However, even as he opened his mouth, hand raising to wave, his fear got the better of him. [i]'They probably wouldn't wanna talk to me anyway...'[/i] He thought to himself sadly, his hand returning to rest on the ground beside him. Looking down to his side, he was able to muster up a small smile as he saw the rodent from before sniffing around said hand, apparently having finished his cracker. He let out a light chuckle, handing another cracker to it. "Well, at least [i]you're[/i] not scared of me." He said, a small smile on his face despite his growling voice.