With a graceful leap, Marcon has cleared the broken section of bridge and landed safely on the other side. Tortetarte attempts to follow suit and, while he does manage to make it to the other side, his grace is somewhat lacking. As such, he catches a foot on the shattered end of the bridge and ends up knocking his noggin' on the far side of the bridge- once again ending up unconscious! Theren, wanting no part of this nonsense, waits patiently for the rope to be tied before essentially cartwheeling across the rope, graceful enough to put even Marcon's previous landing to shame. Ahead of you, all the way across the bridge is a pair of windowless stone gatehouses. One of these has a caved in roof and seems to have taken a serious bit of structural damage. Between them is a set of oak doors set with iron hinges of the sort that can be barred from the inside. At the moment the doors are closed and no one else is in sight beyond your motley crew. That being said, Tortetarte did hit his head pretty damn hard and will need to make a death saving throw. [@KermitKing]