Kaleeth did look at the shop when it was pointed out, but it seemed that her attention was more fixated on the city as a whole around her. It was not uncommon for her to be awestruck at some of the places they visited if there was something about them that was new to her, but she never would have expected to experience it in a city in her own homeland. "I can't believe I never visited this place when I still lived in Black Marsh. I know the tribes don't always think the most highly of more settled Saxhleel, but...it still would have been nice to visit." Julan, meanwhile, was staying quite close to Janius. This had not been the first time that he had visited a crowded city, but he was now at the age where his beast spirit was more of an influence on his mind. Being that he was born a lycan and was able to adapt to it gradually, it had not taken him too long to reach an acceptable level of control, but he was still a werecrocodile like his mother. It made him at least somewhat more comfortable to stay close to his parents. Meesei stopped, taking a moment to look at the displays through the window. Apart from the time she had been helping them, Ariel had been running a shop for over a decade, and that experience showed in all the little details of how she arranged her displays to best advertise her store at a glance. Merely having coin was not sufficient to be a merchant, or at least, not a successful one. Reward or no, Ariel's business would not still be open had she not developed those types of skills. "I had wondered what Ariel would do with her reward. It seems she invested it, or at least part of it. I am glad she has found her success. Well, I think you should naturally be the first to see your sister, Sabine, so lead the way."