[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/180727/1408f1332ef4e7a171462d4ccab95617.png[/img][/center][hr][right][color=gray][b]Old Town[/b] Midday[/color][/right][hr][indent]Once Riley had narrowed down their location, Kyu-Ri was quick to follow her. She had no idea where this "warehouse" was, or how long it'd take, but Kyu-Ri preferred to not stick around next to some bandits and a clicker nest. After a few minutes of jogging, the duo reached the entrance to another alleyway. Whilst Riley peeked her head around the corner, Kyu-Ri waited behind the woman, keeping an eye on their six. It was doubtful that Kyu-Ri would be able to whack a bandit with her bat before they fired, but an open eye was better than being ambushed. [i]Whoosh![/i] The quietness from before was startling when a sudden noise clattered within the alleyway. Kyu-Ri tensed up, much like how Riley did with her gun, but she was quick to relax once they were sure that it was a deer that had caught them off-guard. [color=52c4ff][b]"A deer was the last thing I would've expected to be in this city,"[/b][/color] Kyu-Ri commented, as if she was mesmerized by the gracefulness the creature showed.[/indent]