Nearing the completion of my sheets, but I do have a quick question. I noticed that the Ally perk allows you to create a magical girl (or monster girl, but this question doesn't really concern them) ally that only has 2 silver and 3 bronze to spend, and that their perks are only able to be chosen from the combat table. Correct me if I'm mistaken, but doesn't that mean you could use one of those silver coins during the perk rolls to get another ally, and so on? EDIT: By sheets, I specifically mean the first girl's and her patron's sheets. I've only got to finish burning my coins to finish her, really, as well as adding the flavortext like things after the barebones stat/perk stuff. This occurred to me specifically during the perks section on my second girl (who, stat and coin wise, is complete), after I decided to use the gold coin for two extra perks (Ally being one of my choices, because I like to punish myself by adding more complexity to things on top of what has basically been an exercise in fleshing out the resources of the second girl's patron. It's complexity all the way down.).