Riley nodded with Kyu-Ri, she also wasn’t expecting a deer in the city which worries her. “I agree which worries me, normally they stick to cover of the forest but if it got out here something must have spooked it.” Riley continued down the alleyway keeping an eye out for anything it was still very quiet in the alley. There was plenty of doors to buildings but were all locked up tight Riley made sure there was cover for them before moving up, she didn't want to be out in the open if there is a shooter. Riley moved towards a trash can when she saw a clicker and a runner just a bit further up. ”fuck! Hold back we have a clicker and a runner up ahead get to cover,” she whispered before crouching down being as little as possible. Riley looked around for an opening but everything was shut tight. Riley looked above Kyu-Ri and saw a small window, it was too tight for her but Kuy-Ri could fit. ”Hey listen up, I'm going to throw a rock then you are going to jump into that window above you and find a door for me to go through.” Riley looked around for a big rock then got ready to throw it. ”ready? Go!” she threw the rock and heard it hit something before she heard the clicker and the runner run off to the noise.