[@Metatrooper][@Eviledd1984] "Well I don't look dead now do I?" He said rather dryly, holding his own hands up, his left hand twisted around to show the back of his hand rather than the palm. "But no, I'm no survivor myself. Got hired by some anonymous donor to kill this plague. Frankly a quite ridiculous amount of money to do so too." He noticed the one he had passed on the way up, seemingly having a sword of some kind. Really? A sword? What kind of dark age society was [i]he[/i] from? Those soldiers though.. he liked the look of those turrets they had set up "To my knowledge, there's nothing here living that's not plague. Of course, to my knowledge, this guy didn't exist either, so maybe there's some survivor group. I wouldn't count on it." He sighs at the question of whether he's infected "Do I look like I've been bloody infected? I'm no zombie." He says firmly "But I'd tell your jetpack troops to watch out for any projectiles, those big guys are quite strong from what I've seen."