Serena quietly nodded, taking deep breaths to calm the fire within. Once he was certain she wasn't going to put a hole in a wall, Cronic went and set the clothes down on Yuki's bed before returning to the rest of them, pulling up a chair and taking a seat. "...So, I hate to be that guy that addresses the mammoth in the room, but... Mind telling me why you dragged me upstairs to share a bed with you?" Cronic asked, not making eye contact with Serena, clearly still finding the whole thing awkward. "...My slumber is rarely a peaceful one these days. Yet strangely, sharing a bed with someone kind of makes it more likely I'll get a good night's sleep... Though for whatever reason, it only works with a member of the opposite gender. Though such instances aren't always possible. And when I am sleeping alone, I'm tossing and turning in the night." Serena said, keeping her cards close to her chest, Cronic cocking an eyebrow in suspicion, but chose not to pry.