[h2]Sir Tyaethe Radistirin[/h2] "Seizing control of the terrain before we go in? It's almost like old times," Tyaethe said, hefting her shield before turning to Indrau, "If you're confident nothing is going to overwhelm that, then I'll let you lead once we're done with the orcs. If their first big spell gets stopped and we don't need to slow..." Still, there was one more thing to establish before they split up: some sort of signal that they were both in place. She could create a candle flame, at least--probably nothing orcs would catch if it was only for a second, but with the other pair watching out for it then returning the sign (Tiral could surely do something so simple) they could actually move in together. Whatever the case, once that was agreed upon, the paladin split from the captain to circle around to the westward entrance. If it was just orcs, this wouldn't take long. [hr] [h2]Lilianna Belwiss[/h2] "If you want to be a knight, then you need to work hard and act like one. Do you understand? That means doing what you're told and behaving," the white-haired knight said, not one to pass up the opportunity to make a moral lesson. Not that it was wrong; unless born with the privilege, then knighthood was something to be earned rather than merely awarded... as frustrating as that happened to be and as dangerous as it would be for someone like that to take to the battlefield. With the gaggle of children around her, it would surely be easier for Klaus and Fleuri to answer the hat-wearing girl's request... not that this was supposed to be their duty, but it would certainly avoid any reprimands for not [i]doing[/i] what Lilianna believed to be their current duty.