A few changes and additions to the Auger, in case you're thinking of going that route: ╔ ╗ [color=6ccff6][u][b]The "Auger"[/b][/u][/color] ╚ ╝ └[color=lightslategray][i]"If only we had these "Augers" sooner, we may have stood a chance." -Daniel Speilman, Executive Director of Defence, Emergency Crisis Coalition [/i][/color] [color=gainsboro]» [color=palegreen][u]Analysis of Augmentation[/u][/color] [sup] [url=https://i.imgur.com/ZhaXEIX.jpg?1][Optic Augmentation Enhancement] [/url] [url=https://i.imgur.com/Zc1GIrs.png][Prototype "Super" Arm] [/url] [url=https://i.imgur.com/Yj531tB.png][Early Concept of the "Shivan Dual Arm"][/url][/sup] [indent]└The field of augmentation has boundless possibilities. We can replace limbs, enhance muscle strength, and integrate weapons. During the early days, we had hundreds of concepts on the board, and it was an incredibly difficult process to narrow down our selection. In the end, we focused more on enhancement, replacement, and reinforcement. With the introduction of nanites, we were able to create better, more complex machinery by using the tiny robots to perform the more delicate, and microscopic work. The draw back is that we did not have time to implement a renewable power source, so we've had to implement an energy storage system—This means that our soldiers must be recharged, or at least their augmentations do. Those who are heavily modified may find it quite difficult to move without power, so all augmentations have the standard integration of charging ports. Since the nanites require specific programming, and not all of them get along well, there are a few things to note: ◙ A few very important rules and observations on augmentations, as listed below: [indent]• [color=palegreen](1)[/color]: An Auger's ability to utilize their enhancements is calculated by their base energy, and their factor numbers, which are listed next to the augmentation. • [color=palegreen](2)[/color]:•Without charge, the Auger's enhancements will enter a critical power state, which is calculated by multiplying the base energy number by one. • [color=palegreen](3)[/color]: The base number multiplied by ten, divided by the factor, equals an Auger's total run time, in hours. • [color=palegreen](4)[/color]: Auger's start with a base energy of [10] provided by the "Ironman Cell" in their chest. • [color=palegreen](5)[/color]: The critical state provides efficiency in stages, as listed below: [indent][sup][color=slategray]Note: All calculations are estimated using a base energy of ten.[/color][/sup] [indent]└[color=lightsalmon]Subject C-17, Frontman Archetype[/color]: Subject's strength and shock absorption augmentations appeared to become heavier and less responsive over time, until they became dead weight and subject was immobilized. └[color=lightsalmon]Subject H-55, Scout Archetype[/color]: Subject's speed and reflex augmentations appeared to become stiff, and less functional over time, until they froze entirely and the subject was immobilized. └[color=lightsalmon]Subject D-42, Ranger Archetype[/color]: Subject's precision augmentation appeared to cause a headache that increased in intensity, eventually causing the subject to blackout. Subject's optical augmentation became increasing blurry, until the subject experienced complete blindness. └[color=lightsalmon]Subject A-64, Immuno Archetype[/color]: Subject's antigen, contaminate, and temperature augmentations began having obverse effects; Subject became highly sensitive to temperature, and appeared to become increasing ill, until the subject was too feeble to walk and began entering the third stage of hypothermia: Testing facility temperature was set to a comfortable 74f/23c. [/indent][/indent][/indent] ◙There appears to be a time association with the failure rate of augmentations: [indent][sup][color=slategray]Note: All calculations are estimated using a base energy of ten.[/color][/sup] [indent]• [color=palegreen]The First Hour[/color]: Subjects cannot use enhancements, but retain average body functionality. • [color=palegreen]The Third Hour[/color]: Subjects report initial decline of body functionality (Est: 80-60% Functionality) • [color=palegreen]The Fifth Hour[/color]: Subjects report major decline of body functionality (Est: 20-30% Functionality) • [color=palegreen]The Eight Hour[/color]: Subject's augmentations fail entirely. • [color=palegreen]The Ninth Hour[/color]: Subject's body begins shutting down. • [color=palegreen]The Tenth Hour[/color]: Total loss of brain functionality. Subjects are unable to be revived. [/indent][/indent] ◙ An Auger may only choose to specialize in one item from each category, but does not require an item in all categories.: [indent]» [color=lightskyblue]Physical, Major [3][/color] [color=linen][indent]└ Strength — Speed — Endurance — Precision [/indent]» [color=lightskyblue]Physical, Intermediate [2][/color] [indent]└ Shock Absorption — Reflex Response — Healing Factor [/indent]» [color=lightskyblue] Physical, Minor [1][/color] [indent]└ Antigen Resistance — Contamination Resistance — Temperature Tolerance — Muscle Acceleration [/indent][/color] ◙ The following are optional enhancements, categorized by their impact on the body and energy cells: [color=linen][indent]» [color=Salmon]High Impact [3][/color] [/indent]└ Enhanced Night Vision — Low-Penetration Thermal Imaging — Magnetic Grip — Magnetic Tread [indent]» [color=LemonChiffon]Medium Impact [2][/color] [/indent]└ Enhanced Vision — Enhanced Hearing [indent]» [color=palegreen]Low Impact [1][/color] [/indent]└ Enhanced Touch — Enhanced Smell — Enhanced Taste [/color][/indent][/indent][/color]