Well, bloody bollocks, their plan had just been shot to shit. Two weeks of reconnaissance and heavy strategic discussion were flushed down the toilet unceremoniously. Jimbo angled his body to the north-east to get a better shot while signing in dismay. No plan survives first contact after all. “ Copy that. Target sighted, approaching Blacksite 17 degrees from its position. ” Jimbo re-adjusted the resolution of his rifle scope and focused in on the truck, its twin headlights irradiating white beams in the shadow of the valley. He could only identify one driver at the moment. He breathed out, steadying the swaying of his scope, before pressing the trigger a single time. A spray of dark red decorated the wind-shield a moment later like an abstract art piece. The truck rolled in its tracks before swerving off the mud-beaten track. It later stopped against the side of a pine-tree, causing several birds resting on the branches to fly away in distress. He trained his scope on the still truck, waiting for any ADVENT soldier to stumble out in confusion. There seemed to be none at the moment. “ Truck disabled. Travers, secure the target,” He radioed in the confirmation while nodding his chin towards Travers. Several things happened after that. The familiar burst of comms interference struck at the worst moment, burning his ear-drums with a angry buzzing sensation. There was a bright bloom of luminescent purple where Lancaster and West were currently situated followed by a loud explosion that he could feel, even from his position. What in the goddamn hell was that? He didn’t even need the scope to see the devastation. Soldiers and other base personnel were currently alit, their glowing bodies stumbling out of the great conflagration. He couldn’t believe that Lancaster wanted to even consider the possibility of going down a place that was currently on fire. “ Lancaster, get out of there with West right now. The Blacksite is on high alert. You and the rest of the ground team are sitting fish in a barrel if you don’t get out of there right now.”