[@SilverPaw] [color=chocolate]"God Dammit..."[/color] Ed muttered under a frustrated breath as the young dire rat had crafted failure after failure. The closest to a weapon he had made was extremely poor in quality and looked like it would break in a couple or so hits. Ed had underestimated his lack of dexterity in this new body and severely missed his hands. It was then he had finally noticed Asteria. She was covered in mud and Ed was about to question her about it when he had heard her explain her actions. She had wanted to make an ambush group with him and the older female dire rat. It was a brilliant idea, he had remembered that guerrilla tactics were oft used against overwhelmingly powerful enemy forces. [color=chocolate]"That's a absolutely brilliant idea. I'll use the lizard's stomach to gather more water and make better mud."[/color] He was about to leave to gather some more water when he turned to talk to Asteria. [color=chocolate]"Oh. And feel free to make use of the bone shards and what crappy weapon I made. God knows I can't use them...system notification told me so."[/color] Notifying her that she was free to use whatever materials he had left from his wasted efforts, he leaves to gather some more water. Laying the water skin near the pool of water, he walks a short distance back and makes three little divots near the pool and the bonfire (K13), once satisfied with his work he fills the water skin with some water and balances it on his back. Learning from prior events that dragging it would just wear out the skin faster. It was far more tedious to do than dragging it to and fro the divots, but surely it was a less taxing method for the skin. With the divots with sufficient amounts of water, Ed begins to tramp and stomp in circles. Turning the divots with water into a mud puddle. He nods in approval of his work and calls out to Asteria. [color=chocolate]"Asteria! I made a mud puddle for camouflage! Did you manage to convince your mother to join us in the ambush group?"[/color] [hider=Stats] LVL: 3 HP: [color=yellow]Hurt[/color] SP: [color=yellow]Slightly Rested[/color] MP: [color=orangered]Low[/color] Effect/s: [color=green]Muddy[/color] SKILLS: Beast Sense (1.5) Rabid Fit (1.0) Stronger (1.0) __________________________________ Muffle (0.5) Material Analysis (0.2) Magic Analysis (0.6) Monster Analysis (0.6) Faster (0.3) Warcry (0.1) Alert (0.3) Dextrous (0.2) Tremor Sense (0.025) Mental Resistance (0.7) Telepathy (0.075) Mana Shape (0.6) Focus (0.6) Shield (0.5) Mana Shell (0.3) Soil Manipulation (0.4) Overwork (0.5) Harder (0.2) Crafting (0.1) First Aid (0.1) Inventory: -Lizard Stomach Water skin x 1 [slightly worn] [/hider]