[@NaraK][@DarkWolfX37] [b]Road from the Supermarket[/b] "What a healthy viewpoint! But sadly, one I cannot condone!" The figure ahead of them turned, his slowly rotating parasol coming to rest upon a broad shoulder as his gaze met theirs. He was a handsome young man of rugged features, with a messy head of jet-black hair that trailed down his back in a neatly-knotted queue. There was a wild air to him, from the sheer masculinity that oozed from his open white tunic to the sharp, predatory look in his silver eyes. The tension in the air was one of expectation, and from the the upwards pull of his lips, it was clear he knew it too. "The Esper unconsciously imposes himself on reality!" he declared, striding forth with parasol in hand. "An artist painting over the canvas that is our world!" Each word was spoken with utmost confidence, each syllable said with joyful relish. "He does not know, but his innermost desire is to dye the universe in his own colours! To spread his very reality to all four corners of this Phase! And all because he wishes to know the will of the Heavens! Ha haha hahaha! Is it not such a selfish wish?" He halted in his approach. "Ah, it appears that I have become selfish too!" he remarked, shaking his head reproachfully. "Forgive my impiety, it was truly disrespectful of me to address you two without first introducing myself!" The parasol slammed shut. "I am the one they call Touhama Shuuji." He was bending forward, body shifting like a bow into a stance. His parasol, shut, was gripped purposefully within his hands. What he wanted had become very much clear. "Bang Constantine, I have heard of your boxing prowess," the young man continued. "And thus, allow me the honour of tearing apart your misconceptions!" [right][h1][url=https://youtu.be/8KaUwPOnpJc]東 宗 司[/url][/h1][/right]