[color=gray][right][sub][color=orangered]I N T E R A C T I N G W I T H[/color] / / [color=darkgoldenrod] The Misfits and self[/color][/sub][/right] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/jRPR6sl.png[/img] [img]https://i.imgur.com/LSwUPr6.gif[/img][/center] [hr] [indent][indent]It didn’t take Sonny Drake that long to realize that it was really boring when the usual suspects chose to leave him by his lonesome. Marisol ditched him for Tinkerbell. Kavi was nowhere in sight. Last he saw, the polyasian mix was picking on that Jewish kid, Donjah or something like that. The others either were already inside the main school building where most of the first classes were, or they hadn’t arrived just yet. Not even Jun, as fun as it was to poke fun at his asianness, was providing Sonny with any entertainment. Sonny had his hands in his jacket pocket as he followed Apoo Jr’s lead and made a direct beeline for the main building. As he wandered inside, Sonny thought about a lot of things, but one of them that instantly caught his attention was spotting, of all people, Victoire Bailey and Stella Lambert together. Though he obviously saw Vic’s usual bitchy expression, he couldn’t help but notice her sigh in a defeated way as he heard Stella say something to her. Now, Sonny wasn’t typically thrown of a loop. The teen prided himself as someone who could handle surprises, but seeing those two acting somewhat chummy with each other definitely gave him his first ‘well that happened’ moment of the year. [color=darkorange]“If those two are hanging out, then this year might just be more interesting than I thought it would,”[/color] Sonny noted to himself. And as Sonny wandered to his locker and gathered what he needed for his classes from now until lunch, the thought that lingered was how Sol Jr would get a kick out of Stella and Vic. If anything, it would get a reaction out of her. To Sonny, that was the best thing he could ask for. Oh, how he loved seeing her get visibly angry about Stella. Plus, they both harbored a mutual hatred for the President BItch. Knowing Stella as he did, Sonny knew that, at some point, Stella would annoy the crap out of her. What a time to be alive and an asshole![/indent][/indent][/color]