Eliezer's brow furrowed ever so slightly at the difficulty he found in understanding the response of 'Raven' to his second question. He caught himself in time, however, not allowing the lady to notice his frustration. Clearly, she had avoided providing a straight answer. Was it an attempt to sound enigmatic? In any other case, such mystery would have been alluring, but that was not what he was looking for, at least not with his duty in mind. How he truly felt was of no significance or influence. The woman of one's dreams was a thing of fairy tales. What he needed was a competent queen for the kingdom, a reliable partner by his side. She spoke again before he did, desiring another dance with him, one to her liking. Eliezer had not planned for such a thing to happen, and as a result was caught completely off guard. He had hardly even gotten to think if he should accept or reject the unexpected request, though, at that second, he had somehow found it simpler to agree to indulge the lady rather than to think of an excuse to decline. He admired her display of confidence and charisma as he watched her instruct the conductor of the orchestra, and then switched his attention to the dance and her words of guidance when the song began upon her return. The steps of this dance were unfamiliar, much more dynamic and admittedly... enjoyable, though, having had structure and order all his life, it proved to be considerably out of his comfort zone. Although he was having a pleasant time, it was almost as if there was something at the back if his mind telling him that it was not right. To learn how to dance had always been just an obligation for him. Could it be a delightful experience as well? For a moment, the issue of obligation slipped his mind as he moved along with her to the music, his steps seeming graceful and effortless even after she let him lead. He felt the most free he had in a very long time, and it was all because of her. However, thoughts of his duty plagued him once again when the song ended. It mattered not if she made him happy, she had to be right for Dainia. He could not forget what the ball was held to achieve, and there would only be success if he stayed focus on the objective he was given. With that in mind, he stepped away from Raven and gave her quick bow when the dance was over. "Do pardon me for now, Lady Omrea, but I had a lovely time with you, thank you very much indeed," he respectfully expressed his gratitude to her before retreating to the side for a much-needed rest.