[centre][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/180811/f65f9e5f57e3db988643d04fcf121b51.png[/img] [hider=Robin Peltier][hr] [img]https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/heavyobject/images/1/15/Heivia_Winchell_-_Anime_Design.png/revision/latest?cb=20151214205712[/img] [img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/180811/a4f0b9a8d2502e8eefda51d861ce22fa.png[/img] [color=Aqua][b][sub][i]"Un âge de l'acier fait de l'horreur découragée."[/i][/sub][/b][/color] [hr] [color=Aqua][b]Name[/b][/color] [color=Silver][i]Robin Peltier[/i][/color] [color=Aqua][b]Age[/b][/color] [color=Silver][i]27 Years - 11 months[/i][/color] [color=Aqua][b]Gender[/b][/color] [color=Silver][i]Male[/i][/color] [color=Aqua][b]Birth-date / Location[/b][/color] [color=Silver][i]Amiens, France - 5th October, 2066[/i][/color] [hr] [color=Aqua][b]Appearance[/b][/color] [color=Silver][i]Robin stands at the more basic height of 5' 10", which is an optimal body size for someone of his piloting technique. More noticeable than his height is his pure brown hair that stands in a ruffled, shortened cut in order to avoid getting in the way of the Goliath heads-up-display. With an aqua shine to his irises and rather average build for a man of his age, Robin doesn't massively boast the typical look that soldiers are expected to come by as. More-so, his expectations as a pilot has made for him becoming somewhat disheartened by his meeker appearance, but it comes with its benefits of flexibility and mobility. Though hardly developed in his muscular appearance, Robin definitely can hold himself comfortably for the tense job of a Goliath pilot, handling the controls as easily as any other rookie could. As for his attire, it is most likely that the standardised uniform supplied by the M.F.H. was not adequate for his style of piloting. For this fact, most of the armour that was given to the more brutish of enlistees was stripped down for a more flexible and lighter look, only containing a few webbing pouches for handheld weaponry, slots for portable components within his Goliath and other pieces of necessities. His skin is toned as any late-western European's were to, slightly tanned but rarely distinguishable from any other standing country still left within the Commonwealth.[/i][/color] [color=Aqua][b]Personality[/b][/color] [color=Silver][i]Robin has records that, on paper, look quite promising to his fellow superiors looking to recruit him. As a son of politician and officer alike, he holds an innate ability to follow his beliefs to the core. However, what differs him from his parents is the burning compassion to maintain frivolous connections between those he serves with and others who may come into contact with him. This dependency and unhealthy need for camaraderie is heavily influenced by feelings of loneliness in his younger years. This passion has been a driving force for his moderate success during his training days and may prove to be helpful on the battlefield during his first deployment, but the psych-profile has always been unsure of what to make of Robin. Sometimes he lurches between acting jovial and determined to disheartened and worried within the blink of an eye. Situations are a key catalyst to such mood-swings but in the recent months of training these thoughts seemed to be dying down. Within his Goliath, reports have stated that his ambition is key to his talent. Whilst it isn't an incredible or unique talent to hold, Robin takes pride in his difficult strategies and sometimes has been seen to refuse rational options for something he is comfortable with. Again, this is something officers have attempted to advise against allowance as jeopardy against fellow soldiers or pilots may come as a consequence. However, his dependence of his teammates and attraction to growing closer towards those he isn't fully acquainted towards acts as a deterrence towards such behaviours. As of now, there have been no signs of Goliath Psychotic After-Effects (GPAs) since his training has concluded. Medical staff conclude that if he is to survive the first few battles, his demanding mental and physical combat style and Goliath may drain him quickly to this point. Further analysis is advised, and as such PLO-552 has been assigned as his artificial intelligence.[/i][/color] [hr] [color=Aqua][b]Rank[/b][/color] [color=Silver][i]Private First Class - Decided via completion of Training[/i][/color] [color=Aqua][b]Pilot Equipment[/b][/color] [color=Silver][i]As for his standard issue equipment, Robin has access to repair tools for integral system management within his Goliath for emergency matters. Following this, Robin also has direct access to the M.F.H's standard issue [url=https://cdnb.artstation.com/p/assets/images/images/009/573/167/large/santiago-perez-lamas-smg1.jpg?1519743920]'Talon PDW'[/url] for personal defence and combat operations outside of his Goliath. These have been field-tested in the past to operate effectively against Ukon Husks and only a handful of reports against Ukon Primes have come back, though mostly under heavy classification. On top of this, the standard-issue [url=https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/titanfall/images/7/72/Titanfall-DataKnife-Views.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20140504221405]'Mojave-White Dataknife'[/url] is always kept at a close hand, acting as a technological scrutiny system as well as a brutal blade to protect him in dire circumstances. Apart from different magazines, datapads and other essentials, Robin barely keeps much on his personal attire and stores most items within the Goliath he pilots.[/i][/color] [color=Aqua][b]Goliath[/b][/color] [hider=Angel-Class PBG-17][hr][img]https://discourse-cdn-sjc1.com/turtlerock/uploads/default/optimized/3X/f/5/f5863641a982fd2b6ac6d228928a4eb57d71c0f9_1_461x500.png[/img][hr] [color=Silver]Under the Angel-Class manufacturing line of Goliaths, the PBG-17 operates as a mobile and capable, advanced variant of its classification. Recently hitting its 17th Model under the Propulsion Based Goliath family, Robin's model is specifically tailored to his style of combat and piloting. As most Angel-Class Goliaths do, armour had been mostly stripped down to allow for greater movement, speed and agility for most combat situations. Similarly, it has enough of a protective shell to ensure that regular elements, collisions and expected damage is repelled until it is heavily pressured by concentrated fire or weight. To most pilots this seems to be a risk, but those able to control the speed and flexibility via their neural link find the Angel-Class PBG-17 to be a delightful operations Goliath. Robin is one of these believers, having trained with it from the start of his recruitment days. Within its rear and spine, this mechanised weapon contains a propulsion device, as its model suggests, which further enhances its manoeuvrability and pacing. Unlike previous models, the 17th variant relies less on the power each engine provides and reduces its flying/gliding capabilities to a minimum. This means that the propulsion device is a ground-based system but has been recorded by veteran pilots to be useful in Goliath jumps and scathing larger Ukon Husks. With the regular specifications noted, Robin's own personal variant acts as a wildcard edition. Most Angel-Class Goliaths focus on range and safety for their lighter frameworks, but Robin somewhat ignorantly chose medium and close-range weaponry for his main armaments. A 25mm Autocannon, supplied with a large belt-fed ammunition system, acts as his right-hand tool of offence and defence. Whilst primarily designed to clear the smaller yet larger hordes of Husks and Prime squads, it packs the calibre to punch through the larger adversaries that the M.F.H. are likely to face. Robin has tried his best to adapt to such changes, seeing as he was mistrusting of the sniper-variants of autocannons, and thus has found himself in a small predicament of ignorance when it comes to his safety. Equally, Robin was eager to choose some basis of experimental weaponry, but ended up with the [url=https://cdnb.artstation.com/p/assets/images/images/003/939/613/large/brian-burrell-bb-astn-proj-tf2-wep-ttn-sword-pg01.jpg?1478726249]Goliath-Held Arc-Cleaver[/url], a serrated broadsword for Goliaths to cut through flesh and bone with ease. More-so, the experimentation comes in its electrical design, boasting arc-based effects to shock and stun oppositions, as well as offer more lethal defensive capabilities. Finally, the shoulder-mounted armament to his Goliath comes in the form of a direct-laser launcher, a beam of heated energy that only bursts for a very short time before needing to exhaust its fumes. Highly lethal, it acts as a good counter-measure to approaching foes that are deemed too strong.[/color][/hider] [hider=PLO-552][hr][img]https://thumbs.dreamstime.com/b/background-d-grid-ai-tech-wire-network-futuristic-wireframe-artificial-intelligence-cyber-security-background-versus-round-blue-108384029.jpg[/img][hr] [color=Silver]PLO-552, or commonly referred to by Robin as POLO, acts as the personality of his Goliath and direct assistant to battlefield information and neural connection. POLO takes up the form of a red-sphere with a brighter centre beam, symbolising a holographic eye without the fleshy features a human may have. As asked by a psychiatrist during training, Robin was revealed to have a comforting connection to its smooth English voice and constantly referred its shape as [i]warming[/i]. POLO is the 552nd instalment of his/her operating system, meaning that in terms of the artificial intelligence race it proves to be somewhat ahead of the game. Pilots who trained at the same time as Robin and POLO were also given the same model under different names. POLO has already forged a neural link between itself and Robin, helping to bridge the gap between his Goliath and himself. Because of this deep connection, the accuracy of Robin's mental configuration and control over his Goliath is at a peak, giving him a slight edge over other mechanised pilots of similar experience. However, this has already been advised to be dangerous to the future as the GPAs may come heavily. For this to be combated, operating staff before Robin's graduation ceremony upgraded POLO to have vastly higher storage capabilities in an attempt to ensure that all memory fragments are safely returned post Goliath usage. There is no confirmation on whether it will work or not, but POLO seems to be quite adamant that they are capable of doing such. As all AIs do, POLO has access to remotely control the pilot, however that requires separating the neural link from the pilot until the process is over. Communication over the radio is then required to uphold communication. Reigniting their connection can damage Robin, however, and may prove fatal in the future.[/color] [/hider] [hr] [color=Aqua][b]Background[/b][/color] [color=Silver][i]During the time of his introduction to the world, the Invasion was already five years into its progress. A lot of countries were falling and a line had barely been scrambled halfway through Germany down to Italy. Because of this, both Marc and Éva Peltier, mother and father to their firstborn son, lived in constant fear. They were mostly required to stay very close to the frontline from the City of Amiens due to Marc's field of work, operating as a Group Captain within the Commonwealth's Air Force. For the time being, Amiens did have the somewhat quiet appeal of a city far from the frontline, as Marc used its walls as a station for his headquarters and planning prospect, but Éva never felt safe. As a politician she was keen on escaping back to the United Kingdom, her birthplace, to continue to repair the disarray their government was in during the first decade of war. Until that day could come, she was placed in charge with working and raising her first child within a world a fear and horror. Without personally seeing the frontlines unlike Marc had, she was keen to make sure Robin remained protected and safe. It was difficult to shield the child from the first few years of development, knowing that day by day, the Ukon species were drawing closer to the French and Benelux borders at every passing hour. Robin learnt primarily to speak French due to his father's teachings, who was somewhat hopeful to get him as a tactical officer for the Commonwealth Air Force to ensure they were always close together. However, due to his mother's inability to speak the language, he also had to learn English to keep up with the conversations he shared with his paternal guider. Schools remained the same as they had since the start of the war, barebones and lacking students, sometimes using propaganda material to swoon the eyes and ears of eager children trying to figure out their goals for life. And it was during his last week at school that the military life sparked interest in Robin's mind. There were plenty of romanticised stories of courage and sacrifice surrounding the struggles beyond the French border, but none of the horrifying tales ever reached the homeland. Those who did tell of such terrible tales were rebranded as heroes and were praised for facing the horrible and coming out alive, further reinforcing the public's will to enlist. Éva found it to be politically and morally evil to do such things, but she could not utter a word of the truth without risking her own, or son's, life from arrest. A position of power was needed in these dying times and the world was screaming for a new light, to which Éva hoped to bring. In contrast to her husband, she wanted to bring Robin into the business of political correctness, Utopian ideals and break down the possible corruptions within the Commonwealth to secure a victorious push against the Ukon invasion. But by the time she expressed this to Robin, who was aged 8 at the time, it was too late. He was already wondrous about the idea of joining the military, flying or fighting with the men and women who were always doing so. It displeased Éva greatly, making her somewhat neglectful of his dreams and hopes. It was soon that Robin began to feel a sudden emptiness within his heart that was not felt before. His mother was now beginning to distance herself. One evening, she wrote a letter to Marc and claimed she was heading back to the United Kingdom for Commonwealth political work, but she really had desires of her own. And so, Marc was forced to take a step away from his position momentarily to ensure that Robin was properly looked after. That in itself didn't last long and he was forced to hire a guardian for Robin when he returned to the workplace. This feeling of abandonment stuck with Robin and is rumoured to still be around to this very day. His guardian was sweet and kind, a nice beautiful blonde woman of the name Lisa Sardou. She valued the safety of him during his growth and continued to instruct him in both English and French. His native tongue was required for his family's ideals whilst the English was necessary to communicate throughout the remainder of the Commonwealth. Time passed and he continued to grow through his teenage years when the year 2081 came about. Fifteen years of age was the time where everything changed. The alarms blared, the streets became filled with panic. Within minutes, Robin was loaded into a car, courtesy as a politician's son, and was evacuated off from Amiens. There was little time to comprehend it all, but his father Marc had stated that he was to remain in solitude working for a new military group in France, despite needing to look after his son. And with a strange yet short goodbye, they were departed from one another for the many years to come. And the days passed, news of Amiens remained under the cloak and guarded by the dagger before he arrived in London, deemed to continue and finish the rest of his childhood under the Commonwealth's Capital protection. Life remained dull, boring and lonely. Without parents by his side Robin grew somewhat tiresome of his guardian's distancing and lack of friends. He kept himself up at night every week reading the tales reported from the frontlines. Stories of soldiers making great last stands and saving friends, comrades and lovers on the field of war. It inspired him, just like any dumb child would have believed. It was denial that was keeping him from accepting the truth of his mother, one that would surely bite him in the arse for years to come. And so, when he hit the young, mature age of 18 years, he finally enlisted into a volunteer Cadet Corps. Whilst it was somewhat expected for him to join the military right away, he wanted to find his place and where he wished to go. Sure his father, who still confused him by his sudden departure, wanted him to go into the Air Force, but the CAF did not fully catch his attention. After a few years of training himself and other cadets, he eventually became inspired when the M.F.H. became the poster-men of the front page. And it was by the age of 25 where he finally found himself entering the Goliath Training Programme, determined to make a difference in the world. It was foolish to think so, as the final graduation came about. Being partnered with POLO and his own Goliath made him find a place in the 15th Rangers Squadron, alongside a face he would soon learn to trust more than anything else when he discovered what the war was to become...[/i][/color] [color=Aqua][b]Experience[/b][/color] [color=Silver][i]7 years cadet service 1.5 years in Goliath Training[/i][/color] [color=Aqua][b]Family[/b][/color] [color=Silver][i]Marc Peltier - Father [Unknown] Éva Peltier - Mother [Political Figurehead in the Commonwealth - Alive][/i][/color] [color=Aqua][b]Theme Song[/b][/color] [youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zfnQ-lh2PTg[/youtube] [/hider] [/centre]