[h2]Alessa Heather: Charity Fundraiser[/h2] That... that was it, then. The plan worked, assisted by Lillian and by Lyn’s risky, but ultimately successful (and very loud, leaving her ears ringing a fair bit), thunderclap, not to mention Kyoshi and Inkscape taking control of a hand each, and ultimately Noble’s containment of Ceramix within another glob of containment foam. They’d done it - they’d saved everyone! Which left a couple of problems. Notably, Shatterpoint was in a state of panic at being contained so, to the point of howling and sobbing wildly, at least as far as the foam allowed him. He was a villain, he ought to have seen that coming... but then, why did Alessa feel so horrible about the thought of keeping him in there? That was obvious, though: it was the same empathy she had for most people. And there was not a damn thing she could do about it. Not on her own, and certainly not without risking more lives. What she could help with was how Lillian had been affected - that was, badly, to the point of being dropped to her knees and out of her dinosaur form. Kneeling down gently, Alessa pulled the girl up cautiously, supporting her with an arm around her shoulders, murmuring to her ‘Hey, babe, I’m here, I’ve got you, it’s gonna be okay,’ and lightly planting a kiss on one cheek, whilst glancing round to see that everyone else was equally alright. They weren’t. Kyoshi’s leg was apparently broken badly, and Outsider was being checked over for some sort of concussion by Sylph. Shit. Damn it, damn it... did this count as another...? No. No, it wasn’t like the warehouse. Nobody was dead. Everyone lived, everyone was [i]alive,[/i] they were okay! They’d won outright! Well, Mastar, at least, seemed to think they’d won outright. She was chatting up how fun working with the Protectorate had been - and indeed, what a shame it’d be to not have that option in the future. And, well... overly-sexual actions aside, why wouldn’t she be able to work with them? Her power seemed pretty damn useful, after all... ‘Let’s get you some help, Lily,’ Alessa prompted kindly, guiding her over toward the octopus-like leader of the Denver Protectorate as quickly as she dared, grabbing the hero’s attention with the slightest glint of light, easily mistaken for coincidental, to direct his gaze in her direction before she began speaking. ‘I think Tiger Lily’s suffered more than the rest of us from Tulpa’s attack against Ceramix,’ she suggested matter-of-factly. ‘We may need to get a medic or something in here for her, I’m not sure... and, say, whilst I’m over here,’ she continued a bit more slowly, glancing toward Mastar before concluding her query, ‘I feel like Mastar really pulled her weight today. I’m no expert, but... do you think maybe she’d be a good candidate for the Protectorate?’