The situation was grim. A sword came flying from the side, and that wasn't even the worst of it. While the Dragonclaw managed to grab the blade rather than allow it to plunge into his throat, it made a nasty slice on his fingers before it stopped. That would not help his fighting any, but at least he now had a weapon. Yet, it did not take much strategic aptitude at all to realise in just how deep shit he was now in. All of his allies had been slain, their horses running wildly away from the [i]thing[/i] that one of the heretics had become, and now the non-believers were making an attempt to surround him. He had only one direction to take from here, and that direction would be away as fast as one could go. He encouraged his horse to move, still clutching on to the machete that he had just managed to stop from ending his life on the spot, but in his hurry he had neglected a single detail: While he himself was ready to avoid any strikes, the way he rushed his horse meant that it was much less so. There had been but a scarce few hoofbeats before a large blade had cut the escape short. The animal began barrelling down towards the earth, and the cultist had no option but to jump. As the blade descended upon the horse anew, splattering gore around and ending the animal's misery, the dragonclaw ran. With all the might the Queen of Dragons had, he did not possess enough of it. A punishment would follow for this failure, but from that one would rise again. From death, not as much. [hider=Mechanics&Rolls] The Dragonclaw grabs the machete thrown at them as their free object interaction, Disengages and ushers their horse to Dash. Brannor takes the opportunity to slay the animal and greatly slow down the one remaining enemy. It is now Kyra's turn [@Norschtalen]. [img][/img] [/hider]