[center][img]https://78.media.tumblr.com/a3b148938837c8380c1eb6e43f0d31fc/tumblr_pcvta2YxeN1w6599so1_1280.png[/img][/center] [center][h3]Starting location, Priestella [/h3][/center] The sword flew true, and struck flame in the chest. It was a mighty heave that pinned him to the wall. The blow to Alestair's chest was strong enough to break all of his ribs, and ruptured every organ in his chest. Only father wiskey remained, and his chances weren't looking too good. [center][b][h1][i][color=black]DEATH COUNT[/color] : [color=RED]3[/color][/i][/h1][/b][/center] [hr] [center][h3]Center Ally , Suttling's Basin, Priestella [/h3][/center] While the group was initially in for a scare, they were able to talk Irene and Vasilis down rather easily. Things were strange, but they could at least take comfort in that they were going to be well protected by the people who had approached them. Vasilis didn't even wait to start moving again before filling the silence with his voice. [color=gold]”I mean, I'm kind of surprised that something so basic has you so excited.”[/color] he explained to Chieko. [color=gold]”Well, I guess it's not basic for everyone. But I mean, I'm capable of doing stuff that's a lot cooler than that.”[/color] He looked over his shoulder to see Irene glaring at him. [color=gold]”Uh, maybe I'm not the best teacher. What's your affinity anyway?”[/color] But someone was there to take advantage of the situation, and the group hadn't even taken five steps down the road. The shutters on the second floor windows flew open on either side of the street. Cloaked bandits leaned out of the windows with crossbows, ready to take aim. They all fired in unison, and none of them missed their mark. The two Bolts aimed at Vasilis struck his padded armor, directly over his heart. They knocked him backwards, but they didn't go deep enough to wound him. However, Irene was not so lucky. One of the bolts shattered her ankle, while the other pierced her forearm. Try as she might, there was nothing the young girl could do to remain standing. [color=gold]”Irene!”[/color] Vasilis let out a bestial roar before lunging at one of the windows. Like before, he was propelled by explosions, and was essentially a rocket with an axe attached to it. The bandit would not be able to move out of the way before being split in two, neither would the other one on the other side of the street. Vasilis was pissed. His cool exterior melted away to reveal a ravenous berserker. Unfortunately, the archers were just the beginning. On the lower most floor, more bandits appeared. There were about twenty of them, spilling out on both sides of the street. Most of them wore little more than rags, some nothing at all, But all of them had something to use as a weapon. By the time the group realized what was going on, it was too late to run. Chieko wasn't able to react with everything going on, and didn't see the club coming for the back of her head. The swing was strong enough to cave in the back of her skull, which dropped her instantly. They didn't wait for her death spasms to stop before trying to pull her shoes off. Aerith was knocked to the ground and repeatedly stabbed by at least four demi-humans. She gripped onto one of their arms, but was unable to pull herself up. She opened her mouth to scream, but there was too much blood in her lungs to properly make sounds. While Nobuhiro possessed incredible reflexes and strength, he was not ready for a sudden attack from both sides. He was able to bob and weave through the first few attacks, but a knife found it's way into his ribs. His reflexes slowed, and all ensuing attacks found their mark on his torso. The boxer struggled to stand, and found himself resting on one knee. But a barbed cudgel found it's mark in the side of his pretty face, robbing him of his consciousness and dignity. This was his first match against multiple opponents, and he lost. Irene and Vasilis's fate was unknown, but these three other worlders had faded from this world. [center][b][h1][i][color=black]DEATH COUNT[/color] : [color=RED]6[/color][/i][/h1][/b][/center] [hr] [center][h3]Center road, The Golden Quarter, Priestella[/h3][/center] Mono stared at the three other worlders who remained. Ashton tried to reason his way out, Hilda tried to invoke fear, and Aaron decided to just tell the truth. But mono said nothing, and instead turned to the two natives that opened their mouths. They had put themselves in quite the position, those two. Demi-humans weren't anyone's favorite right now, and they were judging someone who worked under the king. It was one thing to silently judge someone, but to have the gall to speak up about it when someone could end you... [b][color=royalblue]”Really now? You would let these cultists run free? You would risk letting them kill innocents by the thousands just to avoid an unsightly execution?”[/color][/b] Mono took a step towards Eiko, and the difference in their height became apparent. [b][color=royalblue]”If you only knew what was required to stand in my position. Low brow rabble such as yourself can keep praying at the temples and hope for a good outcome. As for myself...”[/color][/b] Mono extended his hand and took hold of Elque's neck before she could react. Then he turned around and dropped on one knee, throwing her to the ground in front of him. Even though he wore a visor, everyone could tell his eyes were boring into her. [b][color=royalblue]”I am a [i]fucking[/i] sin eater! And I will gladly stand beside all the cultists I've slain when their time of judgment comes. Because there isn't a [i]fucking[/i] thing that will make me compromise the safety of this great nation.”[/color][/b] He looked up to his fellow soldiers. [b][color=royalblue]”Run them through!”[/color][/b] There was no mercy for those left standing. Without any hesitation, they drew their swords and closed in on the remaining other worlders. No words or actions could stop them. They followed their commander's order without fail. It just took a single stab from each of them, and they all hit their mark. Ashton was stabbed through the heart and chest, and sunk to the floor immediately. Aaron's throat was slashed, and in a twist of irony, the boy who failed to commit suicide also failed to survive the encounter. The gods did nothing for their “servant” either. As if to punish her for leaning on them too much, five of the soldiers simultaneously ran their swords into her torso. It was over in a flash. Where four people once stood there were now four corpses. The guard raised a hand to his mouth, unsure if this was what he really wanted. [center][b][h1][i][color=black]DEATH COUNT[/color] : [color=RED]9[/color][/i][/h1][/b][/center] For many, this would have been the end of an adventure. But for them, this was just the beginning. [center][b][h1][i][color=796bae]Re[/color]start : 1[/i][/h1][/b][/center] The non-natives found themselves exactly where they were right after encountering Lord Talus. They seemed to be in good condition, any wounds they had suffered had been healed. It would be easy enough to write off as a dream, but then why were they still [i]here[/i]? But everyone seemed like they would have a chance to try again. They knew a danger was coming, be it Mono, a disgruntled knight, or a bandit ambush. And they didn't have a lot of time to figure out how they were going to deal with them.