[center][img]https://s33.postimg.cc/amkvj2gkf/image.png[/img][/center] [hr] [b][color=a187be][center][i] [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zICQJqA7ZTI][ ♫ ][/url][/i][/center][/color][/b] [hr] [center][img]https://s15.postimg.cc/lptcfv6qz/315_T.gif[/img][/center] [color=springgreen]“How are you not cold with that thing on…”[/color] Touka’s words left trails of hottened steam in the night’s cold air, a testament to the winters in Miso City. Well, the massive scarf she was sporting was an obvious clue to how cold it was tonight; it was a stark contrast to Kanbaru’s Magical Girl outfit, those short shorts being dangerously…short. [color=springgreen]“Hmm, nothing for you to be bothered with. Just thinking about my partner. And how much trouble she’s going to be in the next time I see her,”[/color] Touka remarked, tracing her eyes back to the snowbound park in front of them. If Kanbaru wanted more about Yuno it was tough luck because the others had begun to arrive. Alex and Kelly were the first to show up, the latter asking about rules and whatnot. Before Touka could reply, the gruff voice and equally shrading presence of Black Shot answered for her. As blunt as ever, wasn’t she? Next up was someone equally as blunt as their resident deputy, Ami lugging around a hefty bag of- [color=springgreen]“Sweets! Oh, A-Ami-Chan, you’re the best!”[/color] Touka said. She almost ran up to the other girl and hugged her before remembering she was practically frozen in place. [color=springgreen]“O-O-On second thought, I think I’ll w-warm up before grabbing one….oh look, there’s Manami and Maiko now.”[/color] With their appearance, that made three of the four participating teams present and ready to account for. Hikari was late as usual, but at least they had snacks all around to keep their minds off the growing cold. Not that it would remain that way for long. If it wasn’t the biting chill, then it was the spark of anticipating and bloody battle that kept them all warm in their clothes. [color=springgreen]“W-Well, Hikari can always be f-filled in on the rules, so let’s get started, alright everyone?”[/color] Touka clasped her hands together, which were revealed to be coated in toasty little gloves. Walking over to Ami’s bag of candies and sweets, she picked up some pieces before clenching them all into her right palm. [color=springgreen]“L-Listen up everyone. I’ve got chocolates and c-caramels here in my hand, t-two of each. Four candy, one for each team. One member of each team w-will pick a candy and whoever g-gets the same k-kind will be your sparring opponent. G-Got it?”[/color] Simple enough, and certainly more interesting than picking straws. That and the teams could choose to share their sweets in any manner of ways. That decided, Touka looked at the other seven Detention Club members around her before giving a small smile. With a flick of her wrist, she hurled the candies casually into the air, watching as they sprinkled among the flurry of snowflakes in the air. Then gravity did the rest, letting each piece plummet back to the earth. Surely any Dark Magical Girl would have the reflex to catch them before they were lost in the snowy plows forever. And when each of them did, each team discovering who they would be facing, Touka’s grin split wider. A set of shark-like teeth were bared, as white as the snow dusting Miso City, almost nearing into a smirk. [color=springgreen]“Here’s the rules, girls. You can choose to either spar in the park’s forest trails or flat fields near the lake. Depending on your magic, you may want to choose one over the other. I trust you can be civil ladies about that, right?”[/color] Touka still held her right hand out, as if she felt it helped in proving her point. Her other hand jammed itself into her pockets to search for something. [color=springgreen]“Like Black Shot said, you can heal up any minor injuries you may have. This is a no-holds barred brawl so don’t feel shy about fighting dirty.”[/color] A pause before Touka’s pocketed hand emerged again to slip a cherry lollipop into her mouth. Probably slipped in from the earlier batch. [color=springgreen]“That said, we’re all still friends here and I’ll have eyes on all your battles. No excessive park destruction. If I see anyone being seriously hurt, I’ll personally restrain the perpetrator. Tightly~”[/color] Despite the candy sticking from her mouth, Touka still had the dexterity to maneuver it to the side as she fashioned every girl with her darkened grin. With no stakes in this bet herself, she was no doubt being every so gleeful about all of this. [color=springgreen]“Any questions? If not, each team can start their fights whenever. And remember, the Christmas Party is on the line. Good luck girls~”[/color] [hr]