[center] [h1][img]https://image.ibb.co/buKU6U/Gin_Tenpercent.jpg[/img][/h1] [sub]HERO.PNG is loading...[/sub] [h2][color=darkorange]Gin Yoshiyaki[/color][/h2] [h3][i]Rule #10, Protect[/i][/h3] [hr] [@Paradox Witch] [/center] The voices of his men calling out for his help assaulted Gin from many different directions. It was an all-out attack on his conscience, tugging at him to make a choice. It was as if they were aiming to tear him apart if he didn't make his choice right away. As these choices threw some weight on his shoulders, the regret piled more onto him. Regrets of what he couldn't do and who he couldn't save... But rule ten wasn't 'Regret'. Rule ten is to 'Protect'. Focusing on that speed that he saw being displayed by the [i]Fastest Hero[/i] earlier this same day, Gin attempted to force himself to solve all three problems at once. First, Gin came to deal with the fire. Extending a hand outward, Gin began to shout commands as his magic circuits flared. [color=darkorange]"Attack!"[/color] At his command, a swarm of origami swans flew out from his sleeves. They were [i]shikigami[/i], a symbol of power in Onmyoudou, and they were all carrying talismans blessed with Gin's intrinsic luck. His intent was to fight a curse with a blessing. And to appease the grudges contained within the fire, Gin drew three talismans, throwing them up in the air as they floated above him, before drawing a fourth. And so, he began to chant a Shinto prayer, each of his talismans glowing with power as he attempted to exorcise the souls contained within the fire. As his prayers came to their conclusion, a bright flash of light brought Gin to the next scene... Standing above a building overlooking the citizens and the foreigners, Gin held his sword in front of him, sheathed and pointed to the ground. The four talismans floating above him now began to spin in a circle around Gin, as if he had prepared another spell. [color=darkorange]"Alright, boys! And remember, if they look like they're tryna do the funky monkey or anythin', just put one of those red talismans on their foreheads! I'll make sure tha' fire doesn't scorch ya!"[/color] Tapping his sword by his feet, the ten brave men standing behind Gin all gave a collective "Aye, boss!" before leaping into the chaos as Gin, once again, worked on keeping the flames back. They all wore straw hats, each tagged with talismans; three of which to protect them against most forms of magecraft, and a fourth to bless them with a bit of the same good luck Gin has. As they made their way through the crowd, they all began to rally the civilians, leading them all inside the building Gin was standing on top of. To those who seemed to be under the effects of hypnosis, a talisman was placed on their heads as a means of helping them snap out of it. Any prospective magus who was spotted trying to take advantage of this situation in some way was brought down with a thunderous crack, their death delivered swiftly by one of the few snipers spread out around the rooftops. Standing in an empty street as the moon had shined its azure light upon them, Gin stood face to face with the beast as it glared into his eyes, mockingly. Grinning back at the monster, Gin combed his fingers through his hair, once, before drawing his katana. [color=darkorange]"I won't let ya harm my boys or my people no more, ya ugly motherfucker!"[/color] With a flick of his wrist, a couple of talismans flew into his empty hand out from his sleeve as he threw them all simultaneously. [color=darkorange]"Flame on!"[/color] Gin shouted, as each of the talismans all started to burst into mere bolts of flames as they all aimed to scorch the monster. It was simple destructive magecraft, but it was easy to bring forth due to Gin's affinity with Fire, the element of destruction, and strengthened with invocations of the [i]kami[/i] of fire, Kagutsuchi. As the beast was buffeted with flames, Gin drew another talisman, throwing it up in front of his own face as it hovered over his forehead. [color=darkorange]"Ignite!"[/color] Gin shouted, once again, allowing the spirits to divine the best path for him to approach the monster as he charged forward, his katana raised...