[center] [h1][img]https://image.ibb.co/hTAfD9/Gin_Sixteenpercent.jpg[/img][/h1] [sub]HERO.PNG is loading...[/sub] [h2][color=darkorange]Gin Yoshiyaki[/color][/h2] [h3][i]Rule #16, Struggle[/i][/h3] [hr] [@Paradox Witch] [/center] Gin had instantly felt the pressure pulling him to the ground. So far, these trails were nauseating, as Gin was thrown from different conflicts, different fights, different encounters... He wasn't even close to halfway complete and he felt like throwing up. Of course, it didn't help that the [i]thing[/i] in front of him began to force him to his feet with some sort of [i]authority[/i] Gin, himself, [u]struggled[/u] to fight through. He couldn't even keep his head up. Looking to the ground after having being forced to, however, made Gin realize something about this rule... Below him was a puddle, one just hazy enough for Gin to see his reflection. [i][color=darkorange]Damn, I look ugly struggling, huh...[/color][/i] Gin thought to himself, before raising his head back up to that amalgam of the many things he hates about the war. [color=darkorange]"Heh... I look just like you, right now, do I? "... Well, as much as I want to look like the wrong side of an asshole, I don't think it'd be cool if I just kept lookin' like you, now, huh?!"[/color] And so, Gin struggled to keep himself up, slowly raising himself up. He willed himself to move, not out of a fighting spirit, but out of the desire, the wish to keep looking cool. There were others watching; his boys, the citizens of Fuyuki, and maybe some pretty ladies here and there. Gin couldn't look weak or disgusting in front of them. He first had to [i]look[/i] cool in order to [i]be[/i] cool. Gin continued to struggle, not moving forward or backward, but in place, spreading his feet shoulder-length apart, keeping his knees slightly bent, and holding his sword with two hands, looking at the conglomeration of his hatred right into its eyes. Finally, with a smirk, Gin remained in what he thought was a cool stance, his sword raised above his head and pointed towards his foe. His arms and limbs shook as they continued to stay in place. Gin could only grit his teeth as he grinned, once again, struggling to [i]stay cool[/i], even in the face of terror.