Paric's gaze had been locked in the direction Dannisus had pointed. The Myti's unwillingness to guide them struck a blow to his morale. His heart had sunk low in his chest. He felt lost just looking at the trees and underbrush that would stand in their path. As if he they would be able to travel through there. If he was healthy, sure, he could fend off the odd monster that might assail them, but he was completely exhausted. He had plenty of mana, but not the energy to loose much of it. There was, also, the bit about his arm. If it were to become infected... Ayer had the answer, though. By going with the Myti they assured themselves a guide to the unknown land they found themselves on. Whether the Myti would be willing to travel at their pace was a different matter all together. He turned his gaze from the trees to Ayer. "Yes, friend, I say we go with him." Then to the Myti traveler, "if you will have us, we would be grateful. We'll be slow and need rest. If you have medicines for my arm to keep infection at bay, that would be appreciated as well." "Oh and one more thing. Do you happen to have any liquor on you? Surely you have some. I mean, you seem to be a creature of many items." He subconsciously licked his drying lips. "My mind is starting to feel sharper. And that isn't good because I'm not smart to begin with."