Something that Kai noticed almost instantly when he ventured closer to the northern mountains was just how harsh the weather was. The closer to the mountains it seemed that he got, the worse the snowstorm seemed to be. He thought it wouldn’t be so bad, so against the voice in his head telling Kai to turn back, he proceeded past the point of no return. As it would turn out, however, Kai would come to regret this. When the storm waged on, Kai didn’t know left from right. No matter where the blond teen looked, all he saw was snow, wind, and depleting temperatures. While the clothing he had on surprisingly provided him with enough warmth to protect him from the dangers of frostbite, they didn’t, however, give him any idea where he was nor did they even have any hidden voice mechanism that could actually point him in the right direction. Truly, as Kai finally accepted the fate, he was lost - and in more ways than one. He had no idea where he was and in a figurative sense, Kai was lost. And boy did it depress him out. Just as the boy was about to give up hope, something called out to him. He didn’t know if it was an actual light from somewhere close or if something else was at play, but as he looked around, a bright, warm light that created a trail of sea-colored particles, Kai kicked the horse’s sides. “Yah!” The horse neighed and he was going as fast as the horse he rode on would allow him. Much to his delight, it brought him to some sort of cabin that had its own horse stable. As Kai would anchor the horse in the stables, letting it feed off the straw and take in some warm water, Kai entered the cabin. He wasn’t exactly sure what to say about it. There was this very homey feel about it. Various items of clothing that fit the kind of weather outside were in stock, though Kai’s wandering gaze went from the boots and scarfs on the wall to a man who stood taller than even the roof itself. A tall man dressed in a fur scarf was taller than three Kais put together. He was pale-skinned and had blond hair much like Kai himself did. Whoever this guy was, the smile on his face sure didn’t fit the monstrous vertical frame he had. [color=20b2aa]“Uh..hi..”[/color] “Hello!” The tall man said with a smile, looking down at the young Kai, “how may I help you?” [color=20b2aa]“You’re...big.”[/color] “Why yes, I am, sonny boy.” Okay, so after the moment of being surprised at someone this tall, Kai shook his head. [color=20b2aa]“I was hoping you could--”[/color] [color=0076a3]“Attention good sir! I require some assistance,”[/color] Kai couldn’t help but notice a man force himself into the cabin, thusly interrupting him. [color=20b2aa]“Excuse me! I was here first!”[/color] Kai protested, walking up to the slightly bulky man. He looked at Kai, brushing him aside. [color=0076a3]“Sorry boy, but I have some manly troubles,”[/color] he walked up the counter, [color=0076a3]“gotta get some straw for Sven.”[/color] “Hello.” [color=0076a3]“So yes, as I said, I need some help. Can you help me, cabin person?”[/color] “I can, yes. What do you need, sir?” Kai felt insulted. He was here first, so he should have first dibs at the service this tall cabin keeper provided. [color=20b2aa]“I was here first!”[/color] [color=0076a3]“Hold your jets, little man. I just need one thing and I’ll be out of your way.”[/color] As this guy would soon realize, Kai wasn’t one to wait around, let alone let this guy walk all over him. So in response, Kai shoved him out of the way. [color=20b2aa]“Learn proper manners, old man!”[/color] And thus began the struggle between Kai and whoever this guy was. When Kai shoved him, he shoved back. Punches were thrown and names were thrown out there in the open. After a while, it seemed like the two would then break out into a song, singing about the woes of being a man and how patience was for children. Granted, Kai was technically a child, but he wasn’t about to give up. ...Well, that was until the shop owner put an end to that. “Okay, that’s enough of that,” he said, holding both males by the collar of their shirts. “Boy, what is it you need from me?” [color=20b2aa]“I came here from the Castle. I’m looking for Princess Anna.”[/color] “Oh! Why didn’t you say so?” He said, giving Kai the impression that he knew something, “she’s over there,” he looked to the back room. Kai was let go and he ran towards the back room. Meanwhile, the guy tried to force his way free by karate chopping the man’s arm. As one might surmise, that didn’t go according to plan. “If you wanted free, all you needed to do was ask, sir,” the man said, dropping him down to the ground. [color=0076a3]“Is this how you treat all your customers?"[/color] “Only those who don’t behave.” He huffed and followed Kai. As Kai went to the back room, he saw Princess Anna resting on a bed. He rushed over to her. As fate would have it, she started to wake up the moment he was at her bedside. [color=f7941d][b]“KAI!”[/b][/color] Anna’s eyes were wide open at the sight of a familiar face, [color=f7941d]“what are you doing way out here?”[/color] [color=20b2aa]“I came looking for you. Well, I and Cielle went looking for both you and your sister,”[/color] he admitted. They both hugged and she stood up. Off in the distance, she saw another familiar face.[color=f7941d] “Kristoff! I thought you went back to those trolls?”[/color] Kai looked back and saw it was the man from before. [color=20b2aa]“You know him?”[/color] Anna nodded, [color=f7941d]“that’s Kristoff. He helped me get here. I didn’t think he’d make it back, though. I’m glad he made it here, too.”[/color] Kai wasn’t sure what to make of this, but he didn’t have time to ponder these new names. He had to focus on what was more important and that was getting Anna to Elsa and getting himself to Cielle. [color=20b2aa]“Did you happen to see Cielle on your way here?”[/color] Kai asked though she shook her head. [color=20b2aa]“What about your sister?”[/color] As Kai asked that, Kristoff spoke up, [color=0076a3]“I might know the answer to that,”[/color] he confessed. [color=f7941d]“What do you know, Kristoff?”[/color] [color=0076a3]“I saw some blonde head tot he northern mountains. My best bet is that she’s there.”[/color] [color=20b2aa]“Then that’s where we shall head too!”[/color] Kai seemingly decided for the entire group. [color=0076a3]“Absolutely not! It’s a madhouse out there. And why are you so interested in finding the queen?”[/color] [color=20b2aa]“Because my friend is there. She might be in danger. Plus, I need to apologize to her,”[/color] Kai admitted Anna looked at Kai with a curious expression, though she could see the conviction in his eyes. Even if something might’ve happened between him and Cielle, she could see that he wanted to make it right. [color=f7941d]“Well, I’m going too. I need to find Elsa!”[/color] Kristoff shook his head. [color=0076a3]“I can’t believe how nuts you two are being,”[/color] he sighed, looking at them, [color=0076a3]“fine, I’ll go too. I know a shortcut. It shouldn't’ take us more than an hour,”[/color] he told them. And so they were off. With a reindeer, three humans, and a horse, they made their way through the frozen wilderness, across a bridge or two, and eventually made their way to the mountains. To their surprise, however, it seemed like there was more than just a simple mountaintop. There was no real way to describe it. It was.. [color=f7941d]“A frozen castle?” [/color]