Penelope looked over at Crow as he complained about the amount he carried. She gave an amused look and then fell back besides him. “Well let me carry something else. We can at least even out being pack mules.” She said grabbing for the bag that hung on his shoulder. As he brought up how much they stuck out, Penelope pursed her lips together as she thought it over. His words were true. They’d easily stick out with both bandages and a bow. “That’s true..” She mumbled, “Maybe we should try keeping off the main street then. Maybe we should even consider traveling through the forest rather than the towns.” It wasn’t the best idea. Traveling off the main road had the possibility of getting them lost without a map and it would still be difficult to travel off the main road without raising some suspicion. The knight sighed as she thought about it. “Guess we should have dressed you up like a knight as well.” She said shaking her head. Though, she wasn’t sure how well a disguise would work, especially after seeing what happened with William and Abraxas. Even though Crow was able to pull of the accent, she was certain that there’d still be plenty of questioning that might get them caught. “I wish we still had the cart... Then this would be a lot simpler.”