[@Hokum][@CmdrAlfieq] [b]As Ernest[/b] Ernest is understandably a bit surprised by the situation. He takes a moment to process what just happened. He thinks to himself. [i]Well. That just happened. I suspected Fanny May was a human, at this point, no, she is most certainly not human. That explains a lot. I do wonder though...[/i] Ernest's thought is interrupted by his terminal. [quote=Terminal] USER INSTANCE "FANNY MAY" HAS TELEPORTED AND IS CURRENTLY IN AN UNKNOWN LOCATION. [/quote] [i]YES, TERMINAL, I NOTICED. Still... She seems to have good intentions, even if she appears to be some sort of supernatural entity. Besides, it's not like I have any real experience with anyone else except for her, I might as well continue to trust her.[/i] As Ernest finishes thinking, Ernest Jr. jumps up onto the Commander's desk. "Commander, it appears that you have upset Miss May. And considering she has just demonstrated to us that she is far more powerful than either of us originally though, you should probably be concerned about upsetting her. She has now assigned me to talk to you." Ernest's voice is as calm as ever, which is probably kinda eerie after what Fanny did. Or maybe not. It's hard to tell. Ernest Jr continues. "I'm no expert in the culter of you humans... but if I were you, I would value the life of a person over some equipment. With Fanny's unexpected disappearance, I have 100 slots for temporary residence, and I have an empty storage bay that could be used for substance for the people without having to fill up additional dorms. Maybe I'd even have room for some of that equipment to seem to be so fond of." "Of course, this is just a suggestion." The pod keeps going, "This for facility, do with it as you wish. You are it's leader, not me. I'm assuming you are already evacuating some of the people?" [quote=Terminal] WARNING! INSTANCE "HANY'S RIBBON" IS APPROACHING INCREDIBLY QUICKLY. APPROX 30 MINUTES UNTIL IMPACT TO MASGC. [/quote] Ernest Jr pipes up to the revelation. "Whatever you decide, commander, decide it quickly. He do not have much time." [hr] [@Hokum] [b]As Ramrod[/b] Ramrod is pretty darn shook up by all of this. "MRA-OH, MRAOH, MRAOH." (WHAT, THE, MRAOH.) Ramrod notices Hank is a tad on the shattered side. Which freaks him out even more. He then runs over to Hank while Mraoh'ing "HAAAANK". In Mraoh, of course, not in english. He really should have had that translator on him, it seems like. Ramrod looks at the damage to Hank. "Mraoh, mraoh mraoh, mraoh?" (I'm smart, I can fix this, right?) Ramrod doesn't have any tools on him, so no, he can't. He mraoh's a sigh as he realizes that, and falls back to a sitting position. Ramrod, being the doofus that he is, took this long to notice that there is sunlight coming through. He looks over, and climbs up the side of the hull so he can look out the crack. I can't have him react to what he sees, since I do not know what he sees yet. [hr] [b]As Rodia and Siren[/b] By the time Rorod arrives, Siren has already organized the election. When he bursts in, (I'm pretty sure that's the only way R-Core know how to go through doors: Dramatically bursting in.) Siren turns to look at him. "We are having a debate in an hour in the square. I recommend you prepare a speech." She said to him. Rorod is flabbergasted. "Can... can she do that?!" The clerk behind the desk Siren is walking away from responds. "Apparently so. I was surprised as well." Rorod turns back to Siren. "How do you know so much about our legal system already?!" Siren responds, "Actually, I don't. Lucky guess. I was kinda surprised too when I found out it was that easy." She says while she is walking past him. .................................................................................... An hour later. A small crowd has gathered around the square, as Siren and Rorod get ready for their speeches. Most of those who couldn't make it are looking through transmission being sent through the station. Rorod goes first. He's a little distraught, since he didn't have enough time to make a proper speech. "People of Rodia! I am Rorod. You all know that. You all know who I am, what my virtues are, what my policies are. Heck, half of you know me personally. As far as I am concerned, Ramrod is still our leader. He has done a darn good job leading us up until now, why should we give up on him now, just because of what happened?" His speech was a bit longer that that. But that's the important stuff. Siren walks up to the podium. Unlike Rorod, she doesn't need to use the microphone. "People of Rodia. Do you really put your faith in Ramrod? A child's toy? He was irresponsible. He never led you to advance. He never led you at all! He just let you mozie around your organized lives. Ramrod couldn't protect you from the Forte. And neither could Rorod. I did. I'm sure most of you know by now, with Gamma and I put up a force field that saved Rodia from that blast. So who do you really want leading you? Rorod, who couldn't protect you and is obsessed with saving a children's toy who couldn't either; or me, who has already shown the she can protect you?" The R-Core start murmuring amongst themselves, and a few of them notice that the voting stand has been set up and have moved over there to start voting. Rorod is a bit surprised that Siren managed to make such a good argument with so little time, although he still doesn't agree with her. As all of that is happening, Gamma, who was at the edge of the crowd, notices Siren sneaking off. He is the only R-Core to notice, and starts following her. "Where do you think you are going?" Asks Gamma, as they get out of hearing range of the crowd. Siren looks over, "To the prison. I'm going to install the remainder of your chips in myself." Gamma gets closer. "WHAT?! But aren't you a... you can't... THOSE ARE MINE!" Siren: "Oh come now, it's not like anyone would trust YOU to have them back." At this point Siren and Gamma are walking nearly side by side. Gamma: "And you think they will let YOU have them?!" Siren: "Don't be ridiculous. Why do you think I am doing it in secret?" Gamma: "Why would you need those chips anyway? Aren't you a highly specialized R-2 core?" Siren looks around to make sure nobody else is listening, and then back to Gamma. [hider=Siren Spoilers, just in case you decide to listen to them...] (Again, I know you are going to read this, but your character's haven't. Just pretend like you didn't read this... ok?) Siren: "Nope. My ID number R-1-1. I am in fact a magical R-Core. And an underprepared one at that. Your chips would make my collection a bit more complete." Siren walks up to the door. Bursting through would be too noisy. It takes some restraint on her part not to burst through the door. Her opening it is still dramatic, but not noisy. Gamma: "...OK, I have a LOT of questions about you, since... you shouldn't exist. I'm the only R-1 that's supposed to exist. But Those will wait. Right now, I only have one: What makes you think Rodia will be ok with you leading them? The only other R-1 they know is me... And I'm not exactly a paragon of virtue. They don't really have good reason to believe the 2nd one will be any better." Siren and Gamma walk up to what was Gamma's cell until recently, and Siren starts opening the vault containing Gamma's chips. "I never planned on them finding out. But if they do... I'm very persuasive. I'll get them to trust me again." Gamma: "Speaking of which... how exactly are you so persuasive?" Siren opens the vault and peaks in. "Simple, I'm just very confident." As Siren pops off her face plate (it doesn't come off as easily do to it's unorthodox design) Gamma sighs. "Hmph. You remind me of me." As Siren starts installing the chips, she sounds quite offended. "Please! You are a monster! I am nothing like you!" Gamma: "Hah! You are cold, cruel, and without shame, just like me!" Siren pauses for a moment as she installs the last chip. "Hm... maybe. But unlike you, I try to help people." She pops her face plate back on and turns to Gamma. "Now, you be quite about this situation, and maybe I'll give you the chance to become a citizen, and even keep your resistance chip, ok Gamma?" She then walks past him. Gamma turns as she is leaving. "Fine! But don't think I trust you!" Then he thinks [i]Gosh dang it, she IS persuasive... did she just flirt with me? ...ok, she's a shameless flirt, that's FOUR ways she's like me.[/i] [/hider]