[color=fff79a]"You don't get to pick your god damn dibs boy! Keep your stupid fucking hormones in the bag, and you will team up with who best suits the situation! People will be sent into areas more suited for them! If you'd like I could send you to fight in the lake area where stretchy quirk is moot, and you're more likely to fail!"[/color] White Skull shouted pointing at the boy as the other more experienced villains mocked him silently. The White Skull put a stop to it quickly though grabbing his gun, and telling them to shut up too as self mockery among comrades was asinine, and counter productive when its not the big guy in charge doing it. [color=fff79a]"Quirks, and groups should be assigned to where they're most capable of being useful. For example one zone replicates an ocean rescue zone, and another replicates our big city we're earning out keep in."[/color] Skull said as he waves a hand in the air. [color=fff79a]"Sending people based on likes, and dislikes of one another when they can be used elsewhere is counter productive. I HATE inefficient mission components so expect to be sorted into an area that best suits your skill set. As for when we're going we're going soon. If you're done then pack up, and get into the back of a tractor trailer. Consider yourselves...an express delivery. Oh, and do mind not to cause too much of a mess...if you do inside of these things could get REALLY bad for you later on. Especially considering its your way of getting out of the place."[/color] commented White Skull boredom leaking from his voice as if the concept of escape seemed dull to him.