[color=blue]"I must have missed the news that you became the new Captain."[/color] Raymond said sarcastically, continuing to walk down the hallway. [color=blue]"But you're right. What harm could this girl do? The girl that was held inside a fake cargo crate that we took from the galaxy's most notorious pirate race that almost went extinct trying to get her back. Oh, I bet she's exhausted from her long day. Let's get her a warm meal, some fresh clean clothes and a soft bed. It's not like Anderson will be using that shit anymore."[/color] Raymond turned to face Dev. His eyes were exhausted, but showed no signs of backing down. They were known to butt heads, but if Raymond were being honest, he respected the man enough to listen to him on certain points. If he was giving him lessons or morals, he should probably calm down. He looked down at the girl for what seemed like the first time, and it struck him on how tiny she looked. [i]Great. What have we gotten ourselves in to?[/i] Ray thought. The exhaustion, and his ghosts made him a cruel man to someone who didn't earn that. He was simply being cautious for the crew, but in doing so making him something he wasn't. She looked a lot like his younger sister... The Captain loosened his grip slightly on her arm. [color=blue]"Doctors Driani and Valanx, I'm sending the girl up to the med bay. Do a check up, give her food, and and see if you can find anything that makes her so damn special. Diaz swing by too, She hasn't spoken a word, and I want to make sure she knows Common Speech... God knows what the Ulnar did to her."[/color] He changed direction, and instead of forcing her to go in front of him, he walked beside her, still cautious.