[center] [img]https://image.ibb.co/fChoGU/Gin_ninetysixpercent.jpg[/img] [sub]HERO.PNG is loading...[/sub] [h2][color=darkorange]Gin Yoshiyaki[/color][/h2] [h3][i]Rule #96, Aim[/i][/h3] [hr] [@Paradox Witch] [/center] [color=darkorange]"You know, if that shit about dying were a joke, I'd be using a command seal to have ya stay sober for the rest of the war, [i]Ite![/i]"[/color] Gin told Chiron, scratching his nose with a thumb. He had a grin on his face that was different from when he began. No longer was he seeing these tests as something to pass and move along, but as experiences to absorb and to learn from. He even felt like he was getting used to Chiron's tricks, at this point... No, no he wasn't. That's a dangerous train of thought to have. Looking at the challenge before him, Gin crossed his arms, laughing heartily. He stood there, keeping ever so stoic at these spirits struck at him, unafraid of death. He had already died, once, and he had learned that even his own death will be necessary, should the time come. That being said, however, this was not his time... Grabbing a single talisman from his jacket pocket and holding it between his two fingers, he looked out at the gathering of spirits before him. [color=darkorange]"Come forth."[/color] Gin said, calmly, as a large swarm of shikigami, numbering in the hundreds, slowly flew out from the fog behind him, hovering just a few inches behind Gin. A majority of them held talismans of binding, while the lesser half held talismans of exorcising. Gin was going to approach this next problem with an overwhelming attack while at the same time reducing collateral. If he were to bind most of these spirits, he'll be able to more easily pinpoint the ones filled with grudges while at the same time minimizing the damage dealt to the normal spirits, themselves. And of course, before he fired, he raised the talisman he drew out moments before, raising it high. Gin trusted both his intuition and his bountiful luck, but even then, he needed some extra insurance, even though it would matter little for this method of attack. If anything, it's just more cherries to add to his overkill sundae. [color=darkorange]"Guide us."[/color] The shikigami all rushed forth, those tasked with binding holding most of the spirits in place while the others tasked with exorcising met their marks. Gin crossed his arms, once again, throwing his head back and taking joy in his overwhelming attack. Creating shikigami of this amount all at once was something only capable within this training montage, after all, and one of the many valuable lessons Gin learned from all this was to find happiness even in the most troubling of times. Plus, it looked cool, too.