IC: [b][color=f7941d]Sk[s]o[/s]ll[/color][/b] Sk[s]o[/s]ll just sighs and shakes his head, turning his attention to the seat straps. "[b][color=f7941d]Would it kill the maintenance crew to install better cushions? I feel like my hind legs might pop off.[/color][/b]" Tracing his hand across his helmet, he flips the toggle for shuttle coms. "[b][color=f7941d]This is Tiger Six to Argonaut flight control, Tiger Six and Tiger Four are strapped into Shuttle One and pending, stand by.[/color][/b]" Toggling the com switch again, an indicator light turns green, signaling that pilot to pilot coms are active. "[b][color=f7941d]This is Tiger Six kicking off role call for all Tigers. Shuttles are warming up, sound off and strap in.[/color][/b]" [@Nato Greavesy] [@Ardoku] [@Ehksidian] [@GunmetalGold] [@VahkiDane] [@UltimoScorp]