Admiral Garrett was going to correct the dragon himself on what he [i]thought[/i] the facts were, but before he could, one of his own people started to do so already. Then, the arguments started up. Was Samus really at fault? Was Samus really accountable? Blah blah blah blah [i][b]BLAH![/b][/i] On and on, like they were a row of politicians! Even with another one of the prospectives arriving - albeit late - this was showing no signs of abating. Garrett finally interjected... [h3][color=0072bc][i][b]"SHUT UP!"[/b][/i][/color][/h3] ...using the mic embedded in his collar that was synched up with the room's speaker system. [b][color=0072bc]"You are not here for your unfounded opinions. You are here to receive mission directives and intel, and then to carry out said mission. For the record, the Zebesian population is NOT depleted. It is my branch's duty to learn these things and keep track of them so that we know they need to be eliminated. So, in case you were thinking you won't be attacked by Space Pirates, you [i]might[/i] be attacked by Space Pirates. Deal with it! And on the subject of Samus Aran, when found, you will apprehend her and bring her to a Federation research station where you will turn her over to an armed escort to begin the generation of Metroid gene structure. She is required for the cure and she will not give herself over, so she must be taken in. End of story."[/color][/b] It was about this time that the Admiral noted that the bounty hunter with the skull motif had left the room. He'd be picked up by security. So, with that particular scene out of the way, Garrett was moving on, and he was not having anymore of these outbursts. He began to resume a stern-but-calm mode of speech to the group. [b][color=0072bc]"Now then, perhaps you're all wondering how YOU are going to [i]survive[/i] the X, since we don't have innoculations for you. This mission would be suicide if we hadn't been thinking of alternate ways to deal with the X from the word GO. Apart from your own equipment, you will each be given new quarantine field belts, which will repel infectious entities from you. We are developing this for use on a large scale, but that will take time, which is why you must certainly disrupt X-related activities, otherwise they might attack the core worlds o the Federation, each planet with many-times greater populations than any colony world. They are adjustable, will protect powered armor suits as much as yourself, and may be hooked into additional power supplies to extend their use."[/color][/b] Images on all the holo-screens changed to images of the belts, diagrams of its fields in effect, and so on. [b][color=0072bc]"This field has successfully stopped all other pathogens while in effect. It will protect you against the X. However, the shield's power will lower against direct attack, and it will collapse if the device itself becomes damage, though they are water-proof, vacuum-proof, and insulated. They cannot protect you against attacks, only being infected BY attacks, and when they run out, that's your ass, so don't waste it."[/color][/b] And now, the main image changed to that of a particular star chart. It's importance should be without question. [center][img][/img][/center] It was the SR System in which the Metroids AND the X Parasites originated. This was a tactical chart of the system, showing the effect that the scorching of SR-388 and a sudden loss of mass in the entire planet was having on the area around it. [b][color=0072bc]"It just so happens that we have a viable lead for you all to start with, although you may decide to attempt to determine the next target of attack ahead of time and intercept it. Good luck with that. Whatever intellect the intellect the X are playing with - probably [i]human[/i] intellect - it hasn't made them logical or predictable. At any rate, this is SR-388 as it is now, a big fireball surrounding a dead, half-destroyed world. No life is on that planet now, guaranteed. Not unless it burrowed VERY deep. However, the neighboring planet designated SR-387 [i]does[/i] support life. We know, because we stationed a remote outpost there long before placing the BSL Station in orbit around 388, designed to keep tabs on the system itself and to determine if anything like Metroids existed there, as well. No dice, obviously, but they will have intel on local activities, including how the X managed to leave the planet or the station. The only problem is that we have lost contact, which almost-certainly indicates an infestation on planet SR-387."[/color][/b] He paused, and with some deliberation, said... [b][color=0072bc]"Are there any relevent and constructive questions before I send you to collect the rest of your team?"[/color][/b] Huh? 'Rest of your team'? You mean there's more? Why aren't they here?