And a few more, why not? --- [u][b]Omegamon vs Alphamon. Fight![/b][/u] Intro: "Must we fight, old friend? You brought us together, why not rejoin us? With you at my side, we could bring this world together under Yggdrasil's justice!" Victory: "It pains me to do this, but you give me no recourse. I will remember you as long as I live, Alphamon." Defeat: "Why? Why do you reject me? Why did you abandon me? Why have you abandoned your ideals? Why have you come back to destroy everything we stood for?" --- [u][b]Omegamon vs Literally Anyone Else:[/b][/u] Intro: "I have no words to spare on you, filth. Those who would stand opposed to the will of Yggdrasil must be dealt with." Victory: "This is but the truth. Ideals without strength are futile, and strength without ideals only consumes itself: what hope do you have against one with both at their call?" Defeat: [i]"No. I won't accept this. I've still got some fight left in me, heath-"[/i] --- [b][u]Seraphimon vs Ophanimon. Fight![/u][/b] Intro: "Let me make this much clear: I am sorry that I couldn't stop the Council from passing judgement on you. But if you think you can take that out on my Tamer and myself, I can show you what I talked them down from doing to you. Victory: "Fortunately for you, one of us kept hold of their ideals throughout all these long years. Maybe a spell as Nyaromon will cool that head of yours." Defeat: "Well, this is it. You really are on your own in your little rampage, now: I only hope the closure was worth it."