[@Rabidporcupine][@Lady Squee][@Not Fishing][@Briza][@lady horatio][@Zoro][@DJAtomika][@Girlie1Bomba][@Hellis] I thought of just doing a mod post, but all the points I'd make are just transitional, so perhaps just a point-list for now!: - Those of you going through the hole in the wall, you'll recognize the same area of town on the other side but it's all broken and decrepit like it'd been suddenly abandoned in 1980. Feel free to make up a location your character might head toward (a park, an arcade, somebody's house, Joao's phone booth, etc etc) and I'll follow your lead. - Those of you who are leaving the diner out the front door, there's a police cruiser in the parking lot and Sheriff Chang herself and another trooper headed your way. If you leave the diner then decide to go back in, wait for a mod post before you do so. - Anyone sticking around inside the diner, the vines and decay are very soon going to envelop the whole interior. If you don't get out soon, those vines are about to block the front door.