Also, to clarify a point. Some of you are probably wondering how we're going to be keeping Servant identities secret given that all of you folks will be posting from your own perspectives. The answer to that is as follows: [b]1.[/b] If there's anything Servant/Master discussion that's serious and super blatantly evident of your Servant's identities, we're recommending the use of hiders there so that people don't instantly go for them. It's not required, but we wanna recommend it for the sake of Plank's [b]hopes and dreams[/b]: "[i]Obviously we can't stop everyone from spoiling themselves and reading discussions like that, but we're hoping that people would go back to those posts later and get to fully enjoy them with the Servant's identity in their heads, as opposed to the other way around[/i]." [b]2.[/b] Be more vague. Besides Masters basically always calling their Servants by their class names, you don't need to spell out who your Servant is explicitly. Sure, people might be able to guess based on physical descriptions, possessions and/or traits, but that's not a given. Assuming might even screw you over! Hector sure couldn't tell that Patroclus wasn't Achilles, and that really screwed him one. As long as you don't explicitly tell people things, they'll just keep guessing, and honestly that's part of the fun. [b]3.[/b] Do things off-screen. Obviously this can't apply in fights, where we hope that most of the interpreting and guessing of Servant identities occur, but if you have any stuff you want to hash out with your Master or post-summoning setup stuff, you could do that privately and show it off later. We don't actually worry about you folks going straight into a summoning post either, so if you don't want to show us the catalyst that's definitely possible. But yeah, that's what we've come up with for the time being. Hit us up if you got any other questions. Hopefully y'all can enjoy the investigative bits and pieces of this thing.