The one-eighty turn of events left even the sharp witted Naefario reeling in surprise. His fist pounded against the steel overlays covering the control panels in frustration, denting the protective durasteel but doing little else. Not only had the [i]Ranger[/i] locked down in opposition to his incursion, his own crew was failing miserably at quelling the turmoil on the [i]Gorefill’s[/i] battle torn bridge. The weaselly lackey he’d left in charge before was now dead, safe from Naefario’s sure retribution along with a dozen or so pirates who lay in grotesque forms upon the deck. Those who’d survived the ambush-counterattack scattered like cockroaches fleeing the light, scurrying into the dark corners of the [i]Gorefill[/i] to hide from the avenging smugglers. A soft growl rumbled in Naefario’s throat and he cast about for some solution to this unexpected situation. Everything was suddenly turning against him on a dime, and surely the ruthless bitch he wished to make his wife would be along shortly to end him once and for all. Despite his worsening situation Naefario still had one advantage, with which he could negotiate his way out. Leaving Jean groaning on the command pad Naefario stalked over to Takashi’s unconscious form, grasping him by his tail and dragging him over to where the best cover available, Ursa’s command chair, sat. Depositing Takashi upon the chair like sack of potatoes Naefario turned just in time to see Jean crumple upon the floor, reaching for the forgotten pistol. Quick as a cat Naefario leapt upon the discarded weapon, tossing it across the room and out of reach. Leering down at Jean, he scooped the hapless man up and placed him down next to Takashi, creating a human and chair shield with which to protect himself should anyone storm the [i]Ranger’s[/i] bridge. [color=aba000]“Nay, not today. Now listen here fish, yer gonna ‘elp me get out o’ this mess alive, an’ ye’ll do it by being silent n’ still. Nary a word out o’ ye, or I’ll blow yer head off, an’ th’ head o’ this’un too. Understand?"[/color] Jean grimaced, wiping a dribble of blood from his nose. [color=0072bc]“I think you’ll find Miz Cooper don’t give a damn ‘bout me, nor th’ lizard an’ will happily blow us both apart just to get at you. Best bugger off fore’ her n’ th’ crew come to make your day even worse.” [/color]The bluff was good, and for a moment Jean thought he saw a glimmer of fear in Naefario’s eyes but it was soon gone, replaced by an ugly hiss. [color=aba000]“Be it as it may, I have no other choice. Not another word if ye value yer life fish.” [/color]Jean’s sullen silence was the only answer Naefario needed and the pirate captain clenched his metallic fist, his teeth grinding as different weapons clanked and clacked, cycling through his more devious cybernetic contraptions. [color=aba000]“Sides’”[/color] Naefario said, more for his own consultation then to provide a witty reply to Jean’s warning. [color=aba000]“Even if she’s my kinda gal, n’ kills ye outright, jus’ to get at me as ye say. I still bested ye n’ th’ lizard, an’ I c’n kill a hundred foes meself, single handed if need be.”[/color] His cybernetic hand whirled to a stop on a particularly nasty gun, the carbon disintegrator; specifically designed to slowly melt away carbon based life forms. The weapon was illegal in all sectors, and had a reputation for being one of the most painful killing mechanisms ever invented, after chloric acid to the face naturally. “This’ll do th’ trick.” [color=f49ac2]“REPLACE ITS HEAD HAHAHAHAHA!” [/color]From behind Naefario, in the suddenness of a lightning strike a single sparking pink robot rose from the ground rushing towards Naefario’s turned back in a whirlwind of burned florescent paint and lobotomy saws. Only his speed and well-honed reactions saved the pirate from a nasty incisor cut on the back of his thigh. Kicking the robot away Naefario raised his fist firing six bolts from the Carbon Disintegrator straight into Taylor’s robotic face. The funny thing about robots however, is that they are made of very little carbon, and Naefario only realized his mistake after Taylor lurched forward stabbing a scalpel into his gut. The pirate’s eyes bulged and he reached back to smash the bot into smithereens with his enhanced strength when a knife buried itself into his plate armor, scaring the brown flesh beneath. Naefario whirled, registering that Jean was standing, his arm outstretched as if he’d just thrown something, only for a second scalpel to find itself a new home under Naefario’s knee cap. His legs buckling under him Naefario fired a continuous beam towards Jean from the Carbon Disintegrator forcing the cowboy to take cover. Jean ducked and rolled narrowly avoiding a grisly death as the purple beam burned the air where his head had been moments before. The knife, hidden for so long in his boot had been practically useless against the giant dreadlocked bug. He needed a firearm of some kind, and the closest one was across the room, with a clear line of vision for Naefario. And Jean didn’t think the pink bot was going to last too long alone against the pirate menace. Knowing there was nothing left for it Jean swiped off his hat, hurling the leather based headwear across the room. Naefario’s automatic targeting computer locked onto the spinning target disintegrating it in a second, which left Jean enough time to scramble away while also giving Taylor enough time to jab a third scalpel into Naefario’s body. The pirate, now resembling an ugly pincushion roared in pain, but resisted the urge to rip the bot into scrap metal, instead focusing onto the much more prevalent threat. Leaping over the chair Naefario grunted and winced, limping across the bridge, firing again and again as Jean ducked and dodged the deadly Carbon Disintegrator. [color=aba000]“I’M GONNA TURN YE TO ASH FISH!” [/color]The pirate screamed, spittle and green blood spattering everywhere. Behind him Taylor’s insane laughing continued and the pink bot pursed the fleeing Naefario a dozen scalpels raised in the air. Takashi opened one eye lazily, his foggy brain taking in the scene of utter chaos before closing his eye once more, preferring to remain unconscious rather than engage in the madness occurring all around him. Jean reached his revolver even as Naefario skidded to a halt a mere five feet away, his arm raised, ready to kill. Over the stereo the music changed to Sabaton’s [i]Back In Control[/i], and a feral grin grew on Jean’s face. In a flurry of movement the two combatants engaged in the dance of death, the evil snarl on Naefario’s face matching Jean’s own. Deadly bolts were exchanged back and forth within the space of a heartbeat and the stale cabin air grew hot with the fury of their combat. Jean’s skill showed itself to the tenth degree and he scored half a dozen hits in the first half second, avoiding Naefario’s two shots altogether. However the pirate’s tough chest armor proved itself worthwhile, taking the plasma rounds and holding its integrity. Deciding to take the fight where he felt more comfortable Naefario closed the distance with an impressive jump just as the music took a more intense turn, his hand raised to strike. [color=aba000]“S’DEATH ON THE WIND BILDGESCUM!” [/color] Then, like a MLB player sliding for home plate Jean launched himself under the airborne pirate taking several shots at Naefario’s nether regions as he went by. [color=0072bc]“FUCK YOOOOOOOOOOU!” [/color] Naefario landed hard, dropping to his knees and looking as if he’d rip the heart out of the devil himself if he was close enough to grab. He raised his head to scream obscenities at Jean when Taylor shoved a scalpel into his eye. Cybernetics sparking and shorting out Naefario struggled to his feet, a plasma bolt ricocheting off his shoulder as he beat a hasty retreat off the bridge, scrabbling at his face all the while. Jean picked himself up, dusting off his jeans and vest, and wiping blood from his lip. Beside him Taylor’s insane laughter subsided into crazed chuckles, both looked worse for wear but were somehow still alive. Raising his pistol to his lips Jean blew away the smoke shifting his gaze to eye the durable pink bot sitting next to him. [color=0072bc]“Taylor... Holy fuck I officially name you my deputy.” [/color]