[hr] [hr] [center] [color=f7976a][h3]T H E F L A S H[/h3] [b]Revelations:[/b] [sup][i]NOT FAST ENOUGH[/i][/sup][/color] [/center] [hr] [hr] The take off was rougher than Iris would have liked, wincing slightly as they gained altitude and speed. She felt herself hanging very awkwardly through the sky. It really was quite beautiful up here in the sky, and while she did enjoy her own mode of travel she had to appreciate that which Superman had. He had an otherworldly view of everything, to see everything from above. She just hoped that this view of the world wouldn't lead to him becoming detached, the last thing the world needed was a Superman that went about destroying people and property in the pursuit of justice. As in all honesty in a fight he had as much chance of causing destruction as anyone he went up against. Iris watched as Central City came into view, the two of them landing on the outskirts as gently as possible. She shimmied herself out of his arms, again she had to be impressed with the physique. Some mother somewhere was proud at what she had accomplished. A new day was dawning, she had seen it coming. Maybe it was time that a group of Metahumans started doing something about it, bigger and bigger threats were coming. The Surfer had a [i]master[/i] out there somewhere and she wasn't entirely sure what she felt about that. She definitely had to do some research however, Barry had done a lot of work digging up information on heroes even telling her to sign up to a website called vigilante.net. Not that she had yet, she had enough problems in Central City without expanding her sphere of influence even further. Maybe it was something that should be considered though, a group of Earths Mightiest heroes working together in some form of League. Not to tackle petty crime, but deal with the really big stuff whenever it came up. [color=RoyalBlue][b]"You should probably take it easy for a while,"[/b][/color] His voice broke her through her thoughts, [color=RoyalBlue][b]"at least until you're healed up. Still, that was.....that was a hell of a job you did back there."[/b][/color] Iris felt herself blushing, a compliment from the big man himself. "Thanks, and thanks for the assist." Part of her wondered [i]why[/i] he had turned up when he did. She was thankful and all for his help, if not there would be a lot more dead people right about now and she could quite possibly have been one of them. He had given her the time to figure out what to do. [color=RoyalBlue][b]"So, um,"[/b][/color] Superman start again, [color=RoyalBlue][b]"is there any way I can reach you? In case this sort of thing happens again, I mean. I think we might want to think about, y'know....working together."[/b][/color] [/quote] "That's probably a good idea." Again, the blushing continued. She wasn't entirely sure where all the blood was coming from that was rushing to her cheeks, and she was kind of thankful that her suit was red and she had just ran halfway around the world to punch an alien from outerspace. Otherwise she may have had felt awkward about blushing, but she could probably get away with it. "Though I don't want you stopping by everytime you think I'm in trouble. I can handle things myself here." She tried her best to look as stern as possible, despite the fact that she was injured, smaller than him and not [i]Superman[/i]. That didn't matter, she didn't need him pushing his nose in all the time feeling that she couldn't handle it. "I have a friend that can probably rig some form of communication up for us, I can run it over to metropolis if you want as soon as it's ready. Barring that, I assume you're not secretly ninety years old and do have access to a cellphone?"