[@Kazemitsu][@FalloutJack] "[color=00a651]Watch it what ya say about the marines, Were doing a damn good job at keeping scumbags like you away form the innocent civilians[/color]" He said making a motion with his hand like the evil eye a grandmother would make but sideways pointing at the dragon like creature. Shutting up when his leader spoke up and listened to the rest of the briefing, Taking in the all the information he was glad the pointdexters at R&D would make such a handy device for them. "No questions boss let's go get this girl and go get the cure" He said just wanting to do the job and get Samus. Wither she wants to come quietly or not was her choice, As David was glad to do things the hard way of getting Samus. He was going to have enjoy doing it the hard way to get Samus to come with them, Looking over at Amber and moving beside her looking down at her. "[color=00a651]Don't worry i got your back[/color]" He said to her smiling behind his heavy helmet for his suit.