[@Lucius Cypher] [center][img]https://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjcyLjQ3NDc0Ny5SWFJvWVc0Z1FuSmhaR1p2Y21RLC4w/ringbearer.medium.png[/img][/center] Ethan's eyes widened in shock at the threat of being smacked silly by a halfling. He quickly grabs a scrap of parchment from his pouch and writes down a message explaining to sips that the elven woman had given him the directions and promises to bring back the ingredients. He turns to face the elven woman offers her a gracious bow. [color=tan]"Many thanks, miss elf! May Goddesses of Fortune and Joy smile upon you."[/color] Ethan gathers the updated map, affixes the hat on his head, and places the scrap of parchment in a noticeable location where Sips would easily see it before leaving the tavern and town jogging at a brisk pace. He would have chosen to walk but the fear of loosing his first job, caused him to think otherwise. He was rather winded once he approached the forked road from earlier. He rests for a couple minutes to catch his breath, before going through the forest path. If the map was correct, he would reach the first town in under half an hour if he kept his jogging at the brisk pace he was going. He hopes that he could manage to do all three pick ups fast enough that Sips wont be too upset to fire him.