[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/180727/1408f1332ef4e7a171462d4ccab95617.png[/img][/center][hr][right][color=gray][b]Old Town[/b] Midday[/color][/right][hr][indent]Kyu-Ri bit her lip as Riley pointed out both a clicker [b]and[/b] a runner. Crouching behind the trash cans, Kyu-Ri agreed with Riley's plan. From what they could see, all there was just a clicker and a runner. Kyu-Ri wasn't so keen on staying the night with clickers nearby, but thankfully, everything seemed to be bolted shut to the point they needed to break in through a window. Returning her bat to her pack, Kyu-Ri waited for Riley's signal. Upon the clattering of the rock, and later the screech of the infected, the Korean hopped upwards. She hoped the windowsill wasn't covered in broken glass, but to her luck, Kyu-Ri squeezed through the window without injury. Crawling onto an industrial shelf, Kyu-Ri made a hasty descent towards the ground. The warehouse seemed to be storage for some sort of company, although there was no time to thoroughly search the building. Kyu-Ri needed to find a way in for Riley, and before the infected (or something even more deadly) stumbled onto her companion waiting outside. It wasn't long before Kyu-Ri found a door that seemed to open to the outside. However, the door had been blocked by a large crate caught between two shelves. [color=52c4ff][b]"How am I going to open this..."[/b][/color] Kyu-Ri muttered, struggling to come to an answer. Manually lifting the crate seemed to be the only option, therefore Kyu-Ri pushed with all her might to force the crate upwards. As she struggled, the weight would grow even more difficult for the Korean to bear over time as she twisted the door knob open and pushed the door open with her foot, hoping Riley would notice before the infected did.[/indent]