[quote=@AndyC] I hate that I immediately know who Ink's new avatar is. [/quote] Izzat'a Sonic OC? [quote=@Master Bruce] I came just thinking about [B]IT[/B] from several thousand miles away. [/quote] [Hider][IMG]https://static1.squarespace.com/static/51b3dc8ee4b051b96ceb10de/t/59e18ea1e9bfdf702d3b09d4/1507954340191/?format=2500w[/IMG][/Hider] [quote=@Star Lord] Man, I wish I knew how to contribute to the OOC. [/quote] Pick some principles and defend them. For example, Gowi stands for Quality over Quantity and hating teenagers. Andy likes Superman and hope. Wraith is driven by desire. Byrd likes the south, thick women, the mob, corrupt cops, and meditating on how power corrupts. I am driven by nihilism to construct something worth having forgotten.