Gary simply smirked as he noticed an officer, an actual honest to goodness police officer, coming over. He simply gave his newfound associates a glance over, not bothering to remove himself from Nero's grasp. [color=fff200]"More matters shall be maundered upon in just but a moment, for now I simply advice a dash of silence while I discuss."[/color] he said to the group. This was a matter that would be easily solved with a few astute observations, gleamed from his keen vampiric senses as he heard a distinctive ringing sound of telecommunications of this day and age while noting that others were moving away from the larger group of classmates he had set out for as another classmate engaged in a joust of the barbed tongues, and a few pieces of dialogue. Really the only thing he'd have to worry about is if any of them cracked and prematurely engaged in blood-lust. Well if that happened, Gary supposed he would be obliged to give them a brief tour of the city. The dumpster burial grounds for the 'family business' was always a bit of a pleasant sight. [color=fff200]"Oh, nothing at all apart from a most ill-tempered sort wanting to spoil a good night being had. This girl was just upset that she didn't get to join in jovial bonding with friends. A rather impetuous demeanor, certainly does not help in maintaining any friendships, so she must have made a phony report. There is nothing to worry about officer, well apart from your eternal soul, but if you have but a moment sir I'd like to talk to you about the Church."[/color] [@CommanderCool] [@Lonewolf685] [@Scallop] [@blackdragon] [@McFazzer]