Just tell me what you want to know, and I got you xD I know about camping supplies, floorplans of houses and inns, noble courting vs peasant relationships, alcohol consumption by different social classes, recipes for some common dishes, and ungodly amounts more I like it already! I've been doing a lot of planning too. I was thinking that the first person Crow should run into after the time skip is Olivia, who would tell him that Penelope isn't dead (and also about the fact that she's being courted, because she loves chaos) As for the thing with Crow's father, I still haven't worked out if it will fit in the story, but here's what I've been toying with: I was thinking that during the war, the current king of Brerra would get assassinated by that group of nobles from way back in the beginning. However, instead of their plan coming to fruition, their leader is killed and they're stopped and arrested by the castle guard. The king, leaving behind no heirs, has no one to succeed him, so the throne is up for grabs. By this point in time, Albin has been gaining favor among a lot of the nobles and knights in the inner kingdom (he's the one Crow got his silver tongue from), so he usurps the position of king with little to no resistance. Later on, he reaches out to Crow via a royal messenger asking to meet with him. Reason being: he knows about Crow's reputation from gossip in the court and remembered the surname of the woman he had slept with in Myerfall. He put two and two together and realized Crow was his son, so he wants to meet with him. During the meeting, Albin would offer Crow his old position as ambassador, since he heard about his son's multi linguistic talent from William. Basically, he doesn't want word to get out that he has a son who's a thief, because it could ruin the reputation he'd built up for himself. He wouldn't make Crow a prince because he's illegitimate, but he wants him off the street so he'll stop causing trouble. Essentially, I figured this would be an interesting twist for Crow's character because he would be torn between holding onto the life he knows and accepting the position for Penelope's sake (he still feels guilty for dragging her down into the life of a criminal with him). Very complicated and lots of drama ;) My favorite kind of plot twist Of course, if we did put this into the story, it wouldn't happen until after Crow and Penelope got back together, because otherwise Crow would turn down the job on the spot