Interactions: Jocelyn - [@Almalthia], Slingshot - [@webboysurf], Alistar - [@Alistar Sabbath], James - [@BladeSS4], Finnlay - [@sly13] [URL=][IMG][/IMG][/URL] "Don't worry, Lenora. The pain you're feeling isn't going to last long. I'm going to heal you." Jocelyn reassures me "What? How?" I ask, curiosity and suspicion laced in my voice. I cringe, as I feel a pain in my head. [i]Oh, how lovely. A headache.[/i] "You'll see." "So… did y'all miss me?" A voice says in a playful tone, interrupting whatever Joc was about to do to me. Jocelyn, James and I look over across the room to see the man who calls himself "Slingshot". "How nice of you to join us." James says in an equally playful tone. "Well, I couldn't let you guys have all the fun. Although, from the looks of it, it seems I really did miss out on it." Sling says as he wanders around the room looking at all the damage that has been done. "Yeah, it was all fun and games here." I respond with a dryness in my voice that could match the Sahara Desert. "I thoroughly enjoy my nose getting messed up." "If you'll excuse me," Jocelyn interjects "But I must heal Lenora, here." Jocelyn proceeds to place her hand on me. I look at her quizzically before I suddenly begin to feel an odd feeling surge throughout my entire body. In a few moments, any pain I was feeling went away. It was incredible! After the deed was done and Jocelyn took her hand off of me, she tried to stand up but stumbled back. James caught her before she could actually fall. "Are you alright?" James asked her, looking concerned. "Yeah… yeah, I'm fine." She answered, now trying to stand up straight. I was still sitting on the floor, looking over myself in awe over how I was completely healed by Jocelyn. I looked up at the woman who looked like she finally had the strength to stand. [i]I don't know what's up with that…[/i] As uncharacteristic it is of me to do so, I proceed to thank Jocelyn for healing me. "It was no problem." She replies "Well… it certainly didn't look that way." I respond "So, what exactly happened here anyway?" Sling pipes in, abruptly changing the subject "Hydra happened." Jocelyn says to him "Ah, the bastards… and what about you, Lenora?" Sling turns to me, the sound of his voice not matching the look I see in his eyes. He sounds like he's trying to, say… "casually" interrogate us but his eyes tell me he knows something more. "What happened to you?" "The infamous Hydra assassin, the Winter Soldier, was sent here along with the other Hydra goons." I told him "I fought him and, long story short, that's how I ended up so injured." "Speaking of other Hydra goons-" "I took care of them." James interrupts "So they're all dead?" Sling asks, stepping closer to the three of us "Well… no." James replies, a bit sheepishly "I killed as many as I could though I fear a few may have gotten away." "And the Winter Soldier?" "Gone too." Jocelyn answers "Although, his robotic arm is greatly damaged." "But he's still alive and out there in the world plus possibly a few more Hydra agents?" Sling questions "Yes." Jocelyn, James, and I answer in unison "Well, then. We'll need to be extra careful on our way back." Sling says, walking back to the big hole in the wall that he entered from. "Our way back?" I repeat, confused as to what he meant by that. "Yes, our way back. To Alistar's base." Before I even get a chance to ask who that is, another man walks in. "Y'all okay? Looks like there was a party tonight!" The man says "Alistar. So very nice to see you once again." Sling says walking towards him. "What happened here?" "Hydra." Sling answers simply "Hydra? How did Hydra find them?" "We don't know." Jocelyn speaks up "We didn’t see any signs of being followed." I add "Yet, somehow Hydra knew James and I were coming here." I decide to leave out the fact that since I have quite the history with Hydra they probably track my each and every step. It's not important that any of them know that yet. "Any survivors?" Alistar asks "All dead save for a few agents and the Winter Soldier." Sling answers "Well, if I encounter them ever I'll make sure to give em hell." Alistar says with a small growl "Yeah, I'm sure we all will." I say "I mean it quite literally." Alistar replies I'm taken aback by what he said "I beg your pardon?" "Alright, you all. As much as I'd love to stay here and chat in this lovely destroyed domain, we really should head back to the base. It's safer there. Fewer unwanted ears from Hydra and whoever else might want all of our heads." Sling says "You have a point." Jocelyn admits "Hydra knows about this place now. It's no longer a safe haven for us." "Well then, what are we waiting for? Let's head out." Alistar says. As we all leave the wrecked living room, we are once again interrupted by another man. [i]Oh, for fucks sake. Who is it now?![/i] "Um… hello." The man says, seemingly a bit surprised by the clump of people before him. "Finnlay." Jocelyn walks towards the man "Nice to see you again." She says to him with a small smile. "What happened?" He asks, looking back at the home behind us. "We-" Jocelyn begins before Sling cuts in "Um, why don't you fill him in on all the shit that has happened after we get to you-know-where. I'd rather not stay here any longer. In case anyone has forgotten, Hydra was literally just here." Sling says, obviously exasperated "Hydra?!" Finnlay exclaims "What was Hydra doing here?" Jocelyn sighs "I guess I'll explain later." "Thank you." Sling says, a slightly exasperated sigh escaping his lips. "Alright, once again everyone, let's go." "I guess we'll just follow you?" James asks Sling "You'll be following Alistar and I. I'm in that van over there." Sling answers "And my ride is over there." Alistar says, gesturing over to- "A Ferrari?!" James exclaims "You took a Ferrari?!" "Yes." Alistar responds simply A stunned silence falls over the group. With a dropped jaw, I look at the Ferrari and then back to Alistar a few times. [i]I'm… what the… I… [/i] "Fucking hell…" Finnlay trails off "My thoughts exactly." Sling says "I don't see what the problem is." Alistar tells us, looking genuinely confused and… a bit offended. [i]It's not like you see some random, seemingly non-rich-man just casually driving around a Ferrari. Although this Alistar could possibly be some insanely wealthy man and none of us would even know. He does own a Ferrari after all. Who knows what else this guy has. [/i] "It's no problem. We’re just…" Jocelyn appears to try to find the right words to say "We're just a little surprised. You don't seem like that kind of guy that… owns a Ferrari." [i]Took the words right outa my brain. [/i] "Well then, let me be the one to assure you that this is the least surprising thing about me." Alistar says with a smirk. "Oh… goodie." I sarcastically respond, my monotonous tone match the deadpan look on my face. "So, who wants to ride with me?" Alistar asks us, catching the rest of us a bit off-guard. "Ums" and "wells" fill the forest air. [i]As much as I would love to ride in a Ferrari, I don't want to be alone with that man. There's something about him I don't trust. And it seems I'm not the only one who feels this way...[/i] "I took my bike so-" Finnlay begins "I took mine as well." Jocelyn adds "Finnlay and I will just follow you guys." "I rode in Jocelyn's car." I say "And I took a helicopter." James says after me "Wait." Sling says, putting up his hands "You took a…. you know what… never mind. I shouldn't be surprised after all that's happened." I just barely hear Sling mutter that he needs an Advil before James speaks once again. "I guess since I don't have the helicopter anymore I'll just ride with Lenora." I sharply look at him "What makes you think-" "Or I can ride with you, Sling." James quickly adds [i]I'm glad he chose not to start any trouble with me tonight. [/i] "That's fine." Sling says "Alright… now that everybody has their ride figured out… can we [i]please[/i] leave this place?!" We all take a moment to look at each other before answering Sling with various affirmative responses. "Okay… then… let's go." He says with much less energy than before. As we all walk toward our respective modes of transportation, I notice Alistar taking something out of his jacket and handing it to Sling. Sling opens it and pours something into his hand and then pops whatever it is into his mouth. [i]Hmmph. Looks like he's getting his Advil…. I probably should've asked for one. The headache I had earlier still hasn’t gone away. Damn. [/i]