[@KatherinWinter][@Blueflame][@Phantomlink959][@LightningMaiden] [color=brown]"I'm Richard Anselm. I am what Argus calls a 'god-touched'. That means..."[/color] Richard pauses slightly to raise his index finger and summons a small orb of pure light around the size of a finger segment. [color=brown]"I am more than able to harness holy magics and miracles."[/color] The small orb of light rests on his finger before being absorbed into his body. [color=brown]"I also have a minor form of regeneration. Hence my appearance despite being alive for over seventy years. I also served in the military as a medic and combat medic in different conflicts. So it is safe to assume that I work well in a team, am well versed in using most firearms, and know how to fight; both with a weapon and without one."[/color] He purses his lips while thinking of other things to tell the other agents. [color=brown]"Ah. I am also a skilled medic. That combined with my ability to heal, means that I can slam death's door shut in seconds."[/color]