Oooo probably noble courting! It was actually something I was planning to look up sometime so I could have an idea for what Penelope and the knight’s relationship would be like cx I think so too. I’m excited to have Olivia back and as a more reoccurring character xD Speaking of Olivia, I kinda see her as low-key shipping Crow and Penelope after hearing the stories from Penelope but she just loves drama too much so she won’t be too helpful lol Oooooo I really like that idea and I’m up for it! Ok so since we’re talking about ideas XD I kinda had an idea about what would happen at some point during the first half of the war. I remembered us talking about Crow and Penelope potentially meeting/communicating with the gods at one point and meeting their mothers. I was thinking that maybe one of them has a death scare, where they nearly die until the gods intervene and basically heal them. They could sort of receive a prophecy or something that would lead them to helping stop the war between Younis and Brerra, even so far as to maybe unite the two kingdoms against the northern kingdom. I was thinking they’d be spoken to by one of Brerra’s gods and Aeklora since she’s such a big part of Younis cx Originally I kinda had an idea of them forming an alliance with the king of Younis to sorta lead a rebellion against the king and stop the war so both kingdoms could focus on the real threat of the northern kingdom. It was a rough and kinda complicated idea but I figure I better throw it out there since I’ve been kind of toying with it XD