[s]I probably won't get another post up until tomorrow afternoon, because I'm going to bed in a few[/s] Just kidding, I woke up early again and got one done~ Awesome cx Courting is an interesting subject because it's pretty different than what dating is like today Weirdly enough, dating was never really a thing back then, even for peasants. They had big events (I like to think of them as single-mixer parties) where men and women would meet and decide to get married. It was basically really short courting. They also weren't as "pure" as nobles (pregnancies outside of wedlock were really common), but they hooked up more than they 'dated' in the sense that you'd see today. That's partly why Crow has such a hard time figuring out what to do with his relationship with Penelope xD He doesn't see her as a fling or a marriage prospect, and in medieval times, there wasn't much of an in-between. Also, his history with women was only ever one night stands because no one in their right mind would want to marry a thief, and he honestly never wanted to get married and settle down in the first place, so he never went to the single-mixers. As for nobles, they were a lot stricter about relationships. They had rules about everything, because marriage was highly political. You can Google medieval chivalry and find crazy long lists of do's and don't's for unmarried men and women. Honestly, there are so many that I wouldn't bother trying to be historically accurate about it. It's too much of a hassle. Anyway, the noble couple doesn't usually meet until after their parents arrange their marriage, and then they court as a formality to get to know each other before they tie the knot. Neither the man nor the woman has a say in who they're going to marry. Their parents decide everything. Most courting happened in the presence of family members (probably to deter the couple from sneaking off to be intimate before marriage) and was really formal. I would guess that if they end up falling in love, they would find ways to get around that, though. I never found anything about how long courting lasted before the wedding, so you can use your own discretion for that ^^ If you want to know anything else about it, just let me know! I like that idea about Olivia! I could see her being in Crow's corner when the love triangle happens later. Yay! I'm glad you like it ^^ I also really like the idea of having one or both of them interacting with the gods. Maybe the Brerratic god talks to one of them and the Younisian goddess talks to the other? I also think it would be interesting for Penelope to be the one they talk to if we have just one of them see the gods. She's a lot less superstitious than Crow is, so she'd probably get more freaked out than he would xD We can definitely play with some different options there and with the war with the north (which we still need to name ^^;)