[@HaleyTheRandom] It's hard to quantify. Although I could agree that a post with more lexical depth is in fact [i]more detailed,[/i] I find myself questioning if those details all retain pertinence. Even if they did, what exactly differentiates them from casual RPs at that point? There are quite a few Advanced RPs that [i]don't[/i] involve longer posts, but merely adhere to a lexical superiority. In this case, the only difference is in fact vocabulary. So it would seem that the two defining factors of advanced RPs are Post length, and vernacular. That, and abysmal posting speed. I can see the appeal to flowery writing, otherwise a great deal of novelists wouldn't have sold a single book. There are different kinds of readers/writers. You can find casual RPs with complex language, longer posts, and heavy lore as well though. So it's at this point that I have to question what exactly separates the two sections. The conclusion I come to, barring post length and language complexity, is actually 'nothing at all' as the actual skill levels between writers in casual and advanced are not too different across the board. It varies tremendously from player to player/from Gm to Gm. Ultimately, I think any perceived differences aside from those two factors are subjective and most certainly arbitrary. I do admit that there's some draw to the idea of longer and/or more complex writing, as there are plenty of people in the advanced section, but it's hard to admit that people who post in advanced [i]do not[/i] enjoy reading and writing longer posts. It seems that the biggest difference in advanced is [b]size/scope,[/b] a lot of the time.